"Just... focus? That's it?" Emma was incredulous; was it really that simple? "Okay, I'll try it, but I'm going to need peace and quiet. This is kind of... terrifying." She took a deep breath as all fell silent, their eyes fixed on the small girl. [i]Okay, okay... think about the deer. The deer...[/i] She began to recall every detail of the deer: its eyes, its soft fur, its graceful form. As she thought about its ears, she felt a tingle on her own skull, like... like her ears were moving? She began to notice all sorts of changes in herself, big and small. Everything was shifting in her body, and she began to cry out. "Guys! What-what is this! Ah!" She fell forward, poised on her hands and- not her knees, but her hooves? She felt scared and sick and yet so amazed all at once. Her skin tingled as it sprouted fur, and her newly formed ears twitched at the slight sounds of the forest. "Th-this is sooooghaghhh!" Her mouth stretched into a snout. The changes were complete. Suddenly, she was extremely afraid. Like, terrified. She bolted into the woods.