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He found himself tearing away from his gaze, only for Blake to wrap her arm around him. Without context, he was left bewildered, though for once he felt himself in Coco's place, unable to keep up with whatever the hell they were arguing about. As he tried to look back, the headmistress wanted their cooperation, and he seemed to lose Demi in the crowd. Great. No, he should just leave her alone. What was he thinking? She would never forgive him. She probably hated him. If he actually had the balls, maybe if he just had the courage to protest, he could have-- "[color=yellow]Can I sit with you?[/color]" The group ceased their argument as a small, blonde haired girl with watery eyes had timidly approached them. Kalder immediately perked up, his expression immediately turning to concern. "[color=springgreen]Amelie, what are you doing here?[/color]" He asked as he pushed Benjamin (much to the boy's vocal displeasure) to make room for his younger sister. Letting out a sigh, Amelie placed her head on the table, letting out a small wail. "[color=yellow]Marcus said that I have a weird face,[/color]" She mumbled. "[color=yellowgreen]Awww, Lie-Lie's first boy hazing![/color]" Benjamin snorted, though he yelped as he felt Noel stomp on his foot. Already sensing Kalder's vengeful aura, Blake looked to diffuse the situation. "[color=teal]Sweetheart, you are beautiful. You don't have to worry about what Marcus Flinchman of all people has to say,[/color]" She assured her gently. Amelia lifted her head up, letting out a hiccup. "[color=yellow]I don't care what Marcus thinks![/color]" She corrected them immediately, her adorable face scrunched up in anger. "[color=yellow]I let him know that already![/color]" "[color=green]You...did?[/color]" Noel asked, confused. "[color=yellow]Mother says I shouldn't let anyone say things to me that I don't like! So I punched him in his stupid big nosed face![/color]" She huffed, her declaration immediately causing a roar of laughter from Benjamin. "[color=yellow]But now Margie won't talk to me because she likes him and I embarrassed him, she's such a bad friend![/color]" Kalder let out a sigh of relief, lightly patting her head. Ah, the trials and tribulations of the Sigourney women. Truly, they were infamous throughout the school, so much that when little Amelie became a first year, the poor thing ended up with no friends due to the reputation her elder sisters had earned. As he stroked her hair, he caught a whiff of a familiar scent, and let out a groan. Speak of the devil. He relaxed his hand as he felt one of his sisters emit a high, shrill squeal, hugging him from behind. She then pressed her cheek to his, a wetness that signified tears now on his face. Why were all his sisters crying? Noel smirked, head on his hand as he eyed the Sigourney twins. "[color=green]A little early to be getting emotional, isn't it, Rosalyn?[/color]" He asked as the girl sobbed all over her brother. "[color=gold]I c-c-c-can't b-b-believe this is g-g-g-g-going to b-be our l-last year t-t-t-together![/color]" Marilyn sobbed dramatically, hugging Kalder tighter as she nearly choked him. Rolling her eyes, Rosalyn placed her hand on her hip, raising an eyebrow at her twin. "[color=gold]Can you not?[/color]" She asked, shaking her head. "[color=yellow]Oh, I forgot about that,[/color]" Amelie admitted as she wiped her tears away. Marilyn gasped, releasing Kalder and ignoring his many gasps for air. "[color=gold]So you're not going to miss me one bit? How could you say that to your favorite sister?[/color]" She asked, genuinely offended. "[color=gold]Because you're causing a scene, Drama Queen,[/color]" Rosalyn said, though her eyes landed on another seventh year not too far from where they were sitting. She stopped crying long enough to scoff as Noel took a sip from his drink. "[color=gold]Better Drama Queen then Pillow Queen,[/color]" Marilyn cheerfully replied, causing Noel to choke. Kalder was so used to Rosalyn and Marilyn that he ignored them as he tried to look around without drawing too much attention, though his sisters' bickering probably brought upon them some unwanted attention. Letting out a sigh, he carefully exited his seat, scratching his head as he silently walked away from the scene. No use sticking around for another catfight, though he knew his friends would probably stick around to see the carnage. As he walked, he spotted Demi in the distance, a glimmer of hope, though as he watched her walk, he couldn't bring himself to follow. He stopped in his tracks, only watching, though as a certain darked haired Ravenclaw stepped into his line of sight, his wistfulness quickly turned into a rather sour expression. A long, long time ago, the two of them, along with a third, were close once. Over time that changed, but apparently, the Ravenclaw would pop up from time to time, despite Kalder's best attempts at avoiding him. "[color=dodgerblue]I don't think a Slytherin would be accepted into the Gryffindor Tower so easily,[/color]" The dark haired boy stated rather cheerfully, somehow hitting the nail on the head. Ah, Kalder had forgotten the rather annoying wisdom this kid had. Kalder hadn't told a soul about him and Demi--he could never bring himself to have her go through any backlash because of him. "[color=springgreen]Caleb,[/color]" He acknowledged him. "[color=dodgerblue]You remember my name![/color]" Caleb feigned amazement, grinning. "[color=dodgerblue]I owe Beatrice a Galleon, then. Oh, you remember Bea, don't you?[/color]" Beatrice. "[color=springgreen]What do you want?[/color]" Kalder asked, completely ignoring his statement. "[color=dodgerblue]Against my better judgement, I read your fortune,[/color]" Caleb said, winking. "[color=dodgerblue]It says if you're honest with yourself, you'll have a much better time with things. Wonder what that means...?[/color]" Yeah, Kalder fucking hated Caleb and his way-too-accurate fortunes. "[color=springgreen]I'll keep that in mind.[/color]" He said bitterly.