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He lingered, as if hoping Kalder had something else to say. Honestly, if it were up to him, he would rather say nothing and go about his life. But Caleb had this annoying thing where he liked to pop out of nowhere and instantly know what was wrong, why things were wrong, and a solution. Supposedly, his family had a lineage of prominent Seers, though admittedly Kalder never paid any attention in History so even if he heard the names, he wouldn't recognize them. Still, Caleb excelled in Divination, his intuition positively uncanny and irritating. For once, Kalder was pleasantly surprised as Caleb simply smiled, although Kalder nearly jumped out of his skin when Coco slapped his shoulder out of nowhere. Coco grinned, though he squinted at Caleb. "[color=darkgreen]Who's this?[/color]" He asked Kalder as the rest of the group caught up to them. Caleb grinned at Kalder's scowl. "[color=dodgerblue]No one of particular importance, as Nathan can assure you,[/color]" The Ravenclaw replied to Coco's question in earnest. Kalder frowned at Caleb, though before he could protest, Caleb would take his leave. Noel watched him for a moment with a curious look for all of a minute before noticing Blake also watching Caleb. "[color=green]Looks like Sophen grew a few inches during the summer,[/color]" He said, raising an eyebrow at her. She seemed to agree, although she would shake her head. "[color=teal]It's a shame, too,[/color]" She sighed. Coco scrunched his face in concentration, wracking his brain. "[color=darkgreen]Sophen...Caleb Sophen?[/color]" He asked, suddenly understanding. "[color=darkgreen]Who is he?[/color]" "[color=yellowgreen]Bloody brilliant Ravenclaw that Sophen is, copied his notes last year when we had Charms together,[/color]" Benjamin admitted with a slight shrug. "[color=green]He's also Muggleborn,[/color]" Noel seemed to take a delight in reminding them. "[color=green]You can have all the looks and brain you want, but we all know lineage is of the utmost importance. Now, if he were Pureblood, [I]then[/I] I'd be more interested, but he won't be worth a damn in the real world.[/color]" And there it was again. Lineage. Blood lines. Muggleborn. Pureblood. That sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach as those words seemed to have shattered his world. Funny how he never seemed to care before, how he had heard the words but they hadn't meant a thing to him. He honestly didn't care as he had believed it was the future that would define you, not your past. Now, he was a damn hypocrite, throwing everything he had been behind away, going along with whatever anyone else told him. It had been easy to just quietly nod and pretend he agreed. It was easy to go about unnoticed when you didn't fight the current. He could've been fine with it, too, if it hadn't cost him the friendships from before or the one relationship he had cared so much about. But Kalder was a coward, and the people who had believed in him suffered for it. Perhaps he thought this was his punishment, and as he let his body lead him to the Slytherin common room, he truly did believe he should stay miserable. As they walked, he spotted a familiar face not too far from him, and a groan of annoyance escaped him. His past insisted on coming up time after time, didn't it? Benjamin let out a whistle, clearly pleased with the too lovely sight before them, a tall, long-legged girl who had reached the peak of adulthood, her youthful beauty currently unparalleled in the hallway. Her dark hair served as a frame, brown eyes sharp and on the hunt, lips so red you'd think she's just finished eating a still beating heart. Actually, most people would make the comparison to a rose or some other red flower, but that would imply that this girl was good or kind. She flashed a smile as the group approached. "[color=yellowgreen]Well, well, well, if it isn't [url=https://78.media.tumblr.com/050cdb9b68f85f37d655ffcfda4a3d1d/tumblr_o4uu6m2eGz1swwx3co3_250.png]Deva "The Diva" Erebus[/url]![/color]" He said cheerfully. Watching as Benjamin fed into Deva's ego, Kalder smirked, knowing exactly how to bring her back to the mortal plane. He raised his head, feigning a thoughtful look. "[color=springgreen]You mean [i]Chordeva[/I], right?[/color]" He asked, taking delight as Deva's gleeful look immediately turned into a rather scathing glare. To others, it seemed harsh, but Deva was wicked, cruel, and way too full of herself. "[color=springgreen]Are you getting angry at me because I said your real name?[/color]" Deva tossed her hair over her shoulders as she walked up to him, lightly adjusting the collar of his shirt. "[color=palevioletred]I can't stay mad at you, though you know how much I hate my name,[/color]" She said, pouting. One sentence and already Kal had the urge to vomit. He could hear Noel snicker behind him, but rather than put up with it for any longer, Kalder nodded, turned around, and walked straight out. The laughter of the group echoed, though a pair of feet running after him caused him to groan again. Nope, he refused to give Deva the time of day no matter what his mood was. He continued to walk, praying he would be able to lose her soon.