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It wasn't until the sight of a soaked Benjamin and a laughing pair that consisted of Noel and Coco that he had realized what was happening. Running his hands over his face, he realized he had been sweating profusely. Ignoring the trio as Benjamin decided to hex Coco in retaliation, the lights of his spells illuminated the room enough so Kal could grab his belongings and trudge his way to the bathrooms. The rest of the morning was an unimportant blur, although once he had his uniform on, he looked at himself in the mirror. His hair was cooperative, but his expression was one of misery. Dropping his view, he opted to stay behind once the boys headed down for breakfast. He needed to find his schedule, but he couldn't remember where the hell he put it. Clucking his tongue, he dropped down to the floor, arm rummaging underneath the bed, though the crisp feel of paper meant success. Pulling his schedule out, he scanned it briefly. Potions first thing in the morning? It was actually his favorite class, but admittedly having to do so much work right at the start of the day was daunting. Still, his Outstanding O.W.L. in Potions proved he had what it took, and he sure as hell intended to get his N.E.W.T. as well. The rest of the day wasn't as bad; Transfiguration, Defense Against the Dark Arts, then break time, Astronomy, Charms, and...Divination? What? That had to be a mistake. He then grimaced as he saw Divination would be with Ravenclaw. Of [i]course[/i] he would have to encounter Caleb on a daily basis, why wouldn't it be that way? Although, that also brought to attention that three of the classes were with Gryffindor. Would he see her there? As much as he didn't want to admit it, the thought of seeing Demi made him happy, even if she would do nothing but look at him in disgust. Walking over to his luggage, he spotted his wand neatly placed on top of everything. Hazel, nine and three quarters with a core of unicorn hair. Reliable, flexible, and above all else, loyal. He hadn't touched it all summer, having abandoned it as well. Gingerly picking it up, he stared at it for a moment until he would pocket it, closing his trunk. Taking a glance at the clock, he realized it was time to do. Ascending the steps to the halls, he stopped for a moment as he noticed Deva looking around. Rather, she was looking for him. Again. It was as if she knew he wasn't with Demi anymore, she was certainly forward enough last year, but now she was getting much more aggressive. He turned around to see Noel lightly jogging to catch up to him, gesturing to Deva. "[color=green]Like a leech, that one,[/color]" He crossed his arms. "[color=green]Must be tough being so popular.[/color]" "[color=springgreen]You can have her,[/color]" Kal offered as the pair walked out together, quietly making their way out unseen. "[color=springgreen]What did you sign up for this year?[/color]" "[color=green]The path to becoming an Auror is a difficult one, my friend,[/color]" Noel said, shaking his head. "[color=green]Need at least five N.E.W.T.s, and I'm only guaranteed three at this point. If you could help me with Potions, maybe I can get Benjamin to stop staring at himself long enough to help me with Charms.[/color]" "[color=springgreen]Benjamin only got 'Exceed Expectations', didn't he?[/color]" "[color=green]He did, but that's all I need,[/color]" Noel explained. "[color=green]And you? Made up your mind on your career yet?[/color]" Kalder [i]wanted[/i] to teach at Hogwarts. But what he wanted and what his family wanted were too different. "[color=springgreen]Might help out with the Apothecary, it's the source of income Mother brings,[/color]" He admitted. "[color=green]Oh yeah, I remember you healing up Coco after he crashed into the goal trying to avoid a bludger,[/color]" Noel remembered fondly. "[color=green]Could always go to St. Mungo's as a healer.[/color]" The pair continued to exchange ideas as they walked into Potions class. The conversation would only come to a halt once Professor Blackthorn would ask for their attention. Stifling a yawn, Kalder found himself looking around the classroom, though he would only snap back to attention as he would hear something about him and Table 7. Damn, class had only started and he hadn't caught anything the professor said. He wasn't going to get his N.E.W.T. this way! Noel raised his eyebrow at him as Kal would gather his things, which Kalder found weird, but as he made his way to the table, he froze. Demi was sitting there, perfectly content to ignore him. What? Did he miss something? As the other pairs would trade seats, he put the pieces together. It looked like the professor was mixing the partners up. Should he celebrate? Curse his fate? Hide? If he ran out of the room right now, would that bring too much attention to him? Slowly taking his seat, Kalder was absolutely rigid. His mind was an entire mess, betraying the rather calm expression on his face. It was just a seating arrangement. Just an arrangement. Just an arrangement. Except his hands were shaking and he fuddled with his books as he set himself up. No, it wasn't just an arrangement. This was a sign, wasn't it? As he tried to summon the courage to look at Demi, his eyes ended up on the blonde haired girl that sat in front of them. As if on cue, the girl turned around, giving him a rather cold look. His face paled immediately, though he didn't have the guts to say anything. Unfortunately for him, the girl--a Gryffindor--definitely did. "[color=crimson]Coward,[/color]" She hissed at him loud enough so likely Demi would hear. "[color=springgreen]Nice to see you, too, Beatrice,[/color]" He muttered back, running a hand through his hair. His favorite class was very quickly dropping to least favorite at this rate. He was certain the fates were just toying with him at this point. It looked like she wasn't finished, either. "[color=crimson]If you give my fellow Gryffindor even the slightest hint of trouble, I promise you I'll take--you--[i]down[/i],[/color]" She threatened, turning back to face the front of the class. Kalder slowly put his quill down, opting instead to place his head on the desk. Ah, this was going to be a great year.