[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjEwNi5iZjIyMmUuUkdWdFpYUnlhV0VnUjNKaGRtVnouMA,,/liar-script.regular.png[/img] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/cbcb674ce5f1e149ae563e499726428b3b5d1435/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f45775439384a49774f54566e67773d3d2d3430333035303434352e313462383330396361663864356164333331383234343532393931332e676966?s=fit&w=720&h=720[/img][/center][hr][hr] Demi felt the note being passed to her again, and she eagerly looked for Kalder’s response. The words made her scoff again, and she rolled her eyes. She was heated now. [i]‘I still care about you but things are just complicated’...[/i] Was he still playing her along? Did Kalder seriously believe that excuse would work? Back when they’d first broke up, he’d given her the excuse of his family not approving of his relationship if they found out. Demi had countered by telling him her family wouldn’t approve either, yet her feelings were stronger than any opposition they could face. It was clear that whatever he felt -if he’d felt anything at all in the first place- wasn’t as strong as what she felt, because he’d decided to end things anyway. Now, months later, he was saying that things were complicated and there was some sort of mess going on? He was obviously lying… And Demi despised being lied to. [color=darkred]“Are you serious right now?! Is that really the best you can do, Kalder?!”[/color] Demi angrily muttered to the blond male, blue eyes now away from the board and the professor and instead digging into his impassive face. She discreetly leaned closer to him as to avoid being overheard. [color=darkred]“‘It’s complicated’? ‘Drag you into my mess’? What mess, Kalder? You’re seriously pulling the ‘it’s not you it’s me’ card? Bitch, please.”[/color] “Miss Graves? Anything you would like to share with the rest of the class?” Demi was stunned. She had been so upset and caught up in her little rant that she’d completely forgotten to keep an eye out for Blackthorn. All eyes in the dungeon were now on her and Kalder, curiosity in every single one of them. Thinking fast, Demi put up her fakest smile and adressed Blackthorn respectfully. [color=darkred]“My apologies, Professor. My partner had some questions about the potion, and I was simply trying to clarify them before we began making the potion.”[/color] Yeah, it was the cheapest excuse on the book, but it was worth a try if it got the attention off them. Lucky for them, Blackthorn seemed to buy it, because instead of scolding them he just nodded, face serious. “Very well, Miss Graves. But do wait until I am finished with the lecture next time before answering any questions.” The brunette nodded eagerly, offering a polite smile. [color=darkred]“Yes, sir. Won’t happen again.”[/color] Satisfied, the professor resumed the lecture. As soon as Blackthorn turned his back on them, Demi quickly grabbed her quill and wrote a quick reply before sliding a fresh note to Kalder. [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjQwLmNlMTIxNi5UV1ZsZENCdFpTQmhkQ0IwYUdVZ1YyVnpkQ0JVYjNkbGNpQmhkQ0E1SUhSdmJtbG5hSFF1SUVKbGRIUmxjaUJ1YjNRZ1ltVWdiR0YwWlM0LC4xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/hughs.regular.png[/img] It was a long time coming, and too much time had already passed. She needed to give him a piece of her mind with no witnesses before she went insane.