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The rest of the day was an uneventful blur, until the end of the day, that is. Still, he had hours to kill until meeting with Demi. He wasn't sure whether to take the time to get the team to meet up, or perhaps to knock out all his homework. In actuality, he realized he needed to do something with his time, as standing around thinking about Demi was only going to make him more and more anxious. He was a mess, his head plotting out every possibility, fantasies gripping at his sense of reality and a looming feeling of dread clouding over him. If only time could pass faster, he wouldn't have to worry, but that was simply not the case. Still, as he was leaving the Dining Room, he saw Amelie chat with a [url=https://78.media.tumblr.com/2e9be15ad76272ad9ee44b8787b5dbf7/tumblr_n3vwoceAgt1swwx3co2_250.png]familiar looking girl[/url]. She was a fifth year, a Hufflepuff, and as she noticed him, he swore he knew who she was. Her face froze, and as Amelie spotted him, the younger girl gave the other an apologetic look, immediately running away. Raising an eyebrow, now Kalder needed to investigate. As he got closer, the meek girl gave him a small wave, and he realized it was his younger cousin, Lynn. "[color=aquamarine]I wasn't sure if you would have greeted me back,[/color]" She admitted quietly, hugging her books to her chest as he approached her. The admission hurt Kalder more than she realized. Not that he blamed her, considering her situation. No wonder Amelie ran away when she did. "[color=springgreen]We're still family, regardless of what Dame Margaret says,[/color]" He insisted. "[color=springgreen]I mean it, Lynn. If you need anything at all...you know Amelie and I would do whatever to support you.[/color]" Lynn nodded, though it was out of understanding, not in agreement. "[color=aquamarine]You're kind, Kal, but...that's not the way our family works. If they find out you gave me so much as a sickle, you're going to pay the consequences ten-fold,[/color]" She reminded him with a small shrug. "[color=aquamarine]But...I've actually been okay. Spending the summer alone gave me a lot of time to think...a lot of time to sort out my priorities. And I can't rely on anyone anymore, you know?[/color]" It really broke his heart to hear Lynn speak like that. A fifteen year old girl should have been focused on school, not planning out her life. Kal examined her face, noticing how sullen her once youthful cheeks were. He wondered if she was eating right. Was Hogwarts the only place that she got her meals from? He wished he could ask her where she was staying. Who was looking after her? Did her parents even care? He knew the answer to that last question, and it made him angry when he thought of the answer. "[color=springgreen]This entire family is fucked up.[/color]" He muttered bitterly. "[color=aquamarine]It is. Which is why I'm glad I'm not part of it anymore,[/color]" Lynn admitted, giving Kalder a smile. "[color=aquamarine]I envy you. At least you're sticking around to try to change things.[/color]" Is that what it looked like? Because according to everyone else, including himself, it was more like he was too afraid to deviate. "[color=springgreen]All I've done is throw away the things I cared about,[/color]" He told her softly. "[color=springgreen]There's nothing here to envy, I promise you. And even if Father becomes Head...there's no promise everything I've worked for will be worth everything I've lost.[/color]" To his surprise, Lynn giggled. "[color=aquamarine]How moody of you,[/color]" She bit her lower lip to stop herself. "[color=aquamarine]We all make mistakes, Kal. Sometimes we just need to accept that, apologize, and move on, you know?[/color]" [i][color=springgreen]If only.[/color][/i] Kalder admired her optimism, and as they were about to bid each other farewell, Lynn tripped over his foot, her books spilling across the floor. "[color=springgreen]Crap--are you alright?[/color]" He immediately knelt down, helping her to her feet. "[color=crimson]Well, well, well! If it isn't Sigourney himself![/color]" Beatrice announced as she turned the corner, giving him an overacted bow. She flipped her hair up as she stood, placing her hands on her hips and clearly enjoying Kalder's annoyance. "[color=crimson]Preying on innocent Hufflepuffs, now, are we? Honestly, do you have [i]any[/i] sense of morality in that selfish, cowardly heart of yours?[/color]" She asked as Lynn scooped her books up. Of course Beatrice would pop up now. "[color=springgreen]Bugger off, Beatrice, I'm not in the mood,[/color]" He replied, handing Lynn her last book. "[color=aquamarine]It was my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going,[/color]" Lynn tried to clarify, though the many footsteps revealed that a crowd was slowly forming as Noel and Benjamin would appear. "[color=aquamarine]It's nothing, I promise.[/color]" "[color=green]Balthazar,[/color]" Noel greeted the Gryffindor. "[color=crimson]Of course your cronies would show up,[/color]" Beatrice rolled her eyes, though Kal noticed her wand at her side. "[color=crimson]Can you ever stand on your own two feet, or do you prefer hiding behind others?[/color]" "[color=yellowgreen]Cronies? We stand together,[/color]" Benjamin insisted, crossing his arms. "[color=green]As far as we're concerned, you're the one causing trouble,[/color]" Noel stated. Honestly, this was only going to escalate, and for the sake of his sanity, he needed to put an end to it. Now. "[color=springgreen]That's [i]enough[/i],[/color]" Kal's voice was certainly louder and more commanding than usual as he strode over to Beatrice. "[color=springgreen]The poor girl tripped, I was helping her. If you want to assume I'm always the villain, then fine, but at the very least [i]listen[/i] to the person you're trying to help instead of jumping to conclusions all the time.[/color]" Beatrice held her ground, lifting her head to look at him straight in the eye. "[color=crimson]Nice to see you stand up for something,[/color]" Her retort was rather sarcastic, though bitter. "[color=springgreen]Things change, Beatrice. For better, or for worse,[/color]" He seemed to match her bitterness, and for a moment the two could only glare at one another. Finally, after a moment, the young woman conceded, letting out a sigh. He looked at Lynn, who seemed too afraid to move, but after he nodded, she scampered away. The last thing he wanted was for her to feel uncomfortable, and lo and behold, his natural curse made sure to drag her into his mess as well. He looked at Beatrice once more, who seemed to want to say something but decided against it, simply turning on her heel and walking away as well. Benjamin shook his head. "[color=yellowgreen]What [i]were[/i] you doing with that fifth year?[/color]" He asked. "[color=springgreen]Do I need to have an explanation for everything now?[/color]" Kalder replied, annoyed as they would walk back to the dormitory room. Noel scoffed. "[color=green]I was hoping for one regarding Graves. What the hell was that in Potions?[/color]" He asked him. "[color=yellowgreen]Graves? Demetria Graves? The Gryffindor Quidditch Captain?[/color]" Benjamin asked, confused, though he grinned. "[color=yellowgreen]I saw her walking to the fields, curves in all the right places after summer, eh? I mean, I thought she was cute before, but she got real pretty, you know?[/color]" Kalder honestly wasn't sure if he could handle both Noel [i]and[/i] Benjamin lusting after Demi. "[color=green]Kal and her are partners in Potions, I express interest and suddenly he's all over her,[/color]" Noel scowled, frowning. "[color=green]I [i]thought[/i] maybe he was talking to her for me, but the way he leaned over to her, I swore they were going to start snogging one another in the next minute.[/color]" Oh no. Benjamin snorted, raising his eyebrows. "[color=yellowgreen]So much for keeping up those perfect grades for the N.E.W.T.s, but if it's for a pretty face like hers, I can't entirely blame you.[/color]" "[color=green]You're ignoring the issue,[/color]" Noel rolled his eyes. "[color=yellowgreen]True. Kal, as we all know, we are all bros. And bros don't steal other bros' targets. I mean, if Noel gets rejected on the other hand, that's a different story,[/color]" Benjamin grinned as Noel punched his shoulder. What could he say to cover himself? Kalder ran his tongue over his teeth, though as Noel stared at him, expecting an answer, Kal grinned. "[color=springgreen]So much for that blood pride,[/color]" He shrugged, casually running his hand through his hair. "[color=springgreen]After all that crap about Sophen, you change your tune pretty quickly when it's a girl, hmm?[/color]" To his surprise, Noel laughed. "[color=green]I'm looking for a good romp, not a girl to take home to my mother,[/color]" He snickered, clapping Kalder's shoulder as he walked past him. "[color=green]She seems so sweet and innocent...makes me want to corrupt her. But if you know she's interested, let me know, I'd be glad to show her everything I know and more.[/color]" Once again, Kalder had to restrain himself, though he was certain he was going to fail, so instead he turned towards the bathrooms, ignoring Benjamin calling out after him. Noel could hide it all he wanted, but he was definitely interested in Demi. And that wasn't sitting right with him no matter what. He practically ripped off his robes, ignoring the confused looks he was getting as he jumped into the showers. Scrubbing himself, he realized that he couldn't quite shake off his anger. There was no way in hell he was having either one of them have his Demi. The fact that they would even try bothered him, even though they likely had no idea that they had been together. Still, Noel surprised him. He never so much as looked in the same direction as Muggleborns, and despite his claim that his desire for Demi was entirely physical, Kalder knew him better than that. [i][color=springgreen]What I need to do is take back what's mine,[/color][/i] Kal though to himself, stomping out of the bathroom and to the bedroom. He ignored Coco's yelp of surprise as Kal threw his towel behind him, pulling on his clothes. Walking past everyone, he didn't bother giving explanations even as Blake called out to him. He walked past everyone, his confidence making people think twice before approaching him, although the closer he got to the tower, the more that confidence slipped. He certainly [i]wanted[/i] her back, but there was no guarantee she felt the same. He was still half-convinced she was going to stab him, but for once, he wasn't going to run. Placing his hand on the door, he inhaled and exhaled slowly as he pushed the door open. There Demi was, waiting as she was sitting at the window. Closing the door behind him, he walked forward, stopping a few paces before her. Now what? "[color=springgreen]Good evening,[/color]" He greeted her.