Is this right? I think this is right. I meant to do this ages ago, but here it is now: [hider=Tomb Weaver] [center]Physical Creation / Artefact: [color=PaleGoldenrod][h3] Tomb Weaver[/h3][/color] [i]Currently carried by: Vestec, god of chaos[/i][/center] [b]Name:[/b] The Tomb Weaver [b]Cost:[/b] 12 MP: 5 from Teknall, 7 from Toun [b]Description:[/b] When Zephyrion’s dark shard Xos the Unmaker began its rampage and murdered the god of war, Kyre, the gods Logos, Toun, and Teknall resolved to stop Xos before he could kill any further gods. While Logos wished Xos destroyed, Toun was loath to see any further divines killed, whether they were fratricidal maniacs or not. Toun and Teknall thus conspired to build a trap to imprison Xos while giving off the impression Xos had been killed. Their joint project to build this prison was the Tomb Weaver. This large needle-like artefact is capable of tracing lines of powerful glowing gossamer through reality that, on command, tighten, trap, and draw the subject they ensnare into the flawless, slightly blue-hued diamond at the needle’s eye. These threads simultaneously construct a tesseract prison around the subject similar to the mechanism by which Chiral Phi (Jvan’s avatar) contains her rift to the Gap. This prison is then stored in the gem until such time as an external source releases the prisoner by breaking the artefact or otherwise undermining it. The prison is a hyperdimensional loop without internal walls. The prisoner may travel in any physical or metaphysical direction and find themselves very soon where they started. All energy they release is necessarily directed back at themselves. Anywhere the prisoner looks, they see only their back. There is no escape from the inside, in theory. The means by which the Tomb Weaver ensnares its victim is like a needle that moves through higher dimensions. As if it was coated in some pushing aura, light and matter diffracts around its point. When the point is thrust forward, it parts not just matter but reality itself. By these means it may pass harmlessly through almost any physical object, leaving behind no trace but its trailing thread. Gods have the easiest time weaving such snares by willing the needle at speed through the air and through their targets. The Tomb Weaver is suitable for use in combat as its thread-trailing and reality-parting powers may be suppressed for use as a lance. While it was not designed foremost as a weapon, the immense power imbued into the needle makes it powerful in a fight. However, due to its ongoing function as a prison, it may lack the power in combat compared to an equivalently costed artefact weapon. There is no easy way to release a prisoner from the Tomb Weaver. However, as a safety measure, there is imbued in the Tounic Calligraphy a means of loosening the tesseract in lengthy stages. The first stage provides trace levels of two-way communication between the mind of the wielder and the mind of the prisoner. The second stage allows the prisoner to express small amounts of power from the Tomb Weaver itself. The third stage allows the prisoner to escape, but tears the tesseract prison irreparably, requiring the artefact to be reempowered by a god for 6 MP before it can be used to imprison anyone ever again. Each of these stages can only be triggered by specific happenstances or rituals, each more difficult than the last and each relating in effect to the prisoner within. [b]Appearance:[/b] The Tomb Weaver is a cylindrical needle forged from orichalcum alloyed with other magically-conductive metals. It measures a hand over one metre long and wide enough to fit comfortably in a human hand, though its material makes it a weighty bar to hold. Its physical construction by Teknall guarantees the highest quality. On the needle’s length is an uncountable corpus of Tounic Calligraphy to dictate the needle’s powers. The calligraphic symbols are as much inked into the artefact as etched, ensuring that they may not be damaged easily. On one end of the needle is the point, curving evenly into its taper and slightly bending the light that runs across it. On the other end, secured by sturdy claws clutching from the body of the needle, is a blue-hued, eight-sided, flawless diamond, glowing with power. This diamond encases the tesseract prison of the Tomb Weaver and produces the needle’s glowing thread. [b]Flaw:[/b] The first stage of loosening the tesseract prison for weak two-way communication has a bug. Any wielder who aligns a thought with the prisoner can trigger that first stage, whether they be mortal or divine. [b]Creation Post:[/b] [url][/url] [/hider]