Hope this is okay. [hider=sanctum][color=lightblue][center][h2]s a n c t u m[/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/SeInIXw.jpg[/img][/center] Sanc•tum /ˈsaNG(k)təm/ [i]noun[/i] A private place from which most people are excluded. [b]Name -[/b] Jack Rollins [b]Age -[/b] 19 [b]Gender -[/b] Male [b]Alias -[/b] Sanctum [b]Alliance -[/b] Heroic [b]Powers[/b] [i]telekenesis (minor) -[/i] Jack possesses the power of minor telekinesis. He can move small to medium sized objects with relative ease. But heavier objects drain him of his energy much more and he tends not to do it or not to be able to. The more the objects mass the more taxing it is to him. [i]telepathy -[/i] Jack can establish and remove psychic links with whomever he pleases, even if they are not created by him. They are connected and disconnected at will. He can’t control people’s minds but he can speak and allow them to speak to him at will. He can choose whether he lets them communicate with him (two way) or if they can only listen (one way) [b]Appearance -[/b] Jack often wears dark jeans a dark grey t-shirt and a light or dark grey hoodie. He has short black hair, ice blue eyes, and fair skin. He stands at about 6’1 and has a lean, slightly muscular build. [b]Personality -[/b] Jack is more of a laidback, carefree type than anything else. He’d much rather smoke weed with his roommates than get into conflict with villains. He really only intervenes if it relates to him or if it’s convinient. Jack isn’t anything of a hot head or a heavy-hearted fighter. He usually holds back emotions in a conflict because it’s easier to continue if something goes wrong, and so he doesn’t commit too much. He isn’t a kind soul, or a kindred heart or whatever that bubbly bullshit is. He helps when he wants to, not all the time. Just because he has powers doesn’t mean he always has to be a hero. [b]History -[/b] Jack didn’t grow up in an average household. His family was poor and he was constantly scraping and stealing just so he had food for the week. His mother loved him and often sacrificed herself for his need, but she died when he was 7. It was then that Jack discovered he had his powers. He new that they were dangerous and only used them when completely necessary. His father was a abusive, verbally and physically. The rough, potbellied man often found relieved at the bottom of a bottle of vodka. He often took off Jack’s plate while his son starved, or made him stay inside when he could be begging on the street for the little sustenance he could get. When he was 12 his father died in a drunken anger filled car crash. Jack didn’t cry. He just had regret. That he didn’t lash out or show that man the true suffering and punishment he deserved. For his early to mid teen years he lived with his uncle in Centerville. His uncle didn’t care much being from his dad’s side, but he gave him a home, he gave him food, and he was respectable. His uncle forced him to move out when he turned 18 so he moved into an apartment with a couple of his friends who suffered the same fate. Even though next to his mom they are the two people he’s gotten closest with he hasn’t revealed his powers to them. He knows how “supers” are treated. Even if they respect him it’s to risky to have the possibility of the whole world knowing. Jack decided not to do the whole college thing and currently works at a local Centermart. [/color][/hider]