[center][color=silver][h3]The Gray Dynasty: Finn Olsen[/h3] Current Deployment:[/color] Venus [color=silver]Current Time:[/color] 15:03, Earth Standard Time, 2207.[/center] Finn let out a sigh of relief as he finally came down the hatch to the living quarters, upon leaving the briefing area he had quickly lost track the others and had ended up wondering around the ship unable to find his map in his jumbled pack, at least he had been able to get his bearings and hopefully wouldn't get lost again. Hurrying down the corridor he flashed a smile at Abigail and the Havvika whose name he hadn't caught who were chatting by one of the rooms. Eventually taking the room furthest down the corridor to the left Finn was glad to be able to get into the room relatively painlessly, though once in the screen was filled with far too much information 'it's as if someone had taken a map of space and tried to make it 2D' he thought to himself as he fumbled through the menus until everything was as it should be. Though his name was now displayed as neslO nniF rather than Finn Olsen after an unsuccessful attempt to have his name appear above his door. Setting up his room he lay out his clothes neatly in his drawers, with the exception of his space suit which he set to inflate itself so that it would stand like a mannequin at the back of the room. He then set about making the room feel a bit more like home, magnetising his harpoon to the wall and more importantly turning up the temperature, those kids could all freeze themselves if they wanted but Finn was determined to have his room a reasonable temperature for human life. Finally Finn integrated his eye with the ships console, downloading he data saved on his chip onto the computer and connecting to the exterior cameras and sensors. Sitting down Finn set up a holographic image of all known space in the centre of the room and watched as new information appeared on it as the information downloaded, he now had a map which condensed all of the information he had gathered from trade routes and areas patrolled by pirates to the locations of old friends, all in one easily readable map... so long as you were Finn. Finn smiled, he felt like he could do his job now. He lit his pipe and strolled out of his room feeling much more relaxed than he had previously.