[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24]World Narrative[/color][/i][/b][/h1][/center][hr] And we continue moving forward. The maps have been updated. [color=ed1c24][i][b]Things to remember and new rules in play:[/b][/i][/color] [list][*] Get skill checks any time you are wanting to perform an action[*] When you request rolls they must be done all at once. You cannot request rolls piece meal. [*] Make sure when you request rolls to be specific. I need character, actions attempting, direction they are moving, where they are trying to get in that roll. Street names and landmarks need to be used. [*] Notify who is up next in the DM on discord for your case once you post here and move your post to SI[*] From now one if someone in your case does not request a roll/respond to their turn within 24 hours of your notifying them it is their turn - notify me so I can make a roll for ~LLA has PMS~ (If you have something come up, notify your case partners immediately. Being in chat, online, will denote you had 2 seconds to say ~shit, busy, tomorrow~ or something to that extent.) [*] Also from now on, you are required in case to have a minimal of 2 rotations though all case people per 5 days of granted counters. So if there are 2 of you and it is a six to ten day counter, each character will need a min of 4 ~times at bat~ (which would be a min of 8 paragraphs total between the two of you) - Three of you, five day counter: 2 times at bat per character, 6 paragraph min total for everyone. [*] Consider all the above new rules for cases and that they will be added as soon as kinks are worked out across the board. Still working out kinks for cases, so be patient and work together. [/list] [i][b][color=f6989d]Groups 1-3:[/color][/b][/i] Okay, keep moving. You know the goal - survive, get to bugout location, less than 2 hours of daylight left. Stay on point, keep moving. Remember those that were in Newnan this morning had a hell of a time. You can easily still see the smoke rising and it is still black: which means things are still burning. Keep this in mind when you are posting and your characters mental status. It has only been a couple of hours since you all fled, some less than that. [i][color=f6989d][b]Eden:[/b][/color][/i] You know your goal. Roughly 5 minutes passed last round, t-minus 15 until Lola goes Mad Max. Radio silence currently. Eden map is updated, please use the numbers to help in your roll requests and posts to denote destination/location. (Should make things easier for us to keep up with) [hr] [color=ed1c24][b][i]Group 1:[/i][/b][/color] [b]Members:[/b] Niesha, Ash, Riley [b]Length:[/b] 10 days [hider=Map] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/dhkuCc/NAR.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] [color=ed1c24][b][i]Group 2:[/i][/b][/color] [b]Members:[/b] Tiffany, Jack [b]Length:[/b] 10 days [hider=Map] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/g0jXyH/TJ1.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] [color=ed1c24][b][i]Group 3:[/i][/b][/color] [b]Members:[/b] Ray, Amelia, Sam [b]Length:[/b] 10 days [hider=Map] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/dS2Vkx/RAS1.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] [color=ed1c24][b][i]Eden:[/i][/b][/color] [b]Members:[/b] Thana, Thalia, Alex, Gavin, Beatrice, Lola [b]Length:[/b] Resting your counters currently, you are on day 1 of 7 at time of this post. (If you wish to get more done in your post than a single roll, get your roll, type it up, pm it to me, then request again. You can do this as many times as you can fit in your counter. Sigil/ONL - if you two want to stay close to each other, might want to collab it.) [hider=Map] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/cMqgax/Eden.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] [hr][hr][center][h1][i][b][color=0072bc]Thana Martin[/color][/b][/i][/h1][img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-hDCWYvbfcAg/ViACVI6CmyI/AAAAAAABRmc/blzIjqe8pIY/w800-h800/giphy.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=0072bc]Location:[/color][/b] Outside Eden, Golf Course, Treeline -> 17 -> 10 [b][color=0072bc]Skills:[/color][/b] Survival[/center][hr] Thana came to the edge of the brush and trees, looking around slowly and paying attention to the tree line across the way some what. She could hear Alexander singing behind her. Half of her wanted to go put a bullet in his head to keep him from drawing more attention to them, half of her wanted to let him keep singing. Wasn't her problem if he got shot and took the attention away from her. Yet she did neither. The man was a war vet, he had to know how to handle himself. Nam wasn't exactly a walk in the park for the grunts. He survived, so he had to be doing something right. So for now, she would just keep moving forward. Thing was, this next part was not exactly something she wanted attention being brought to. She was about to try cross a massive open spanse on the golf course. She could have hugged the tree line all the way around but they were on a time schedule and it would be getting dark soon. Shit needed to get done. Sure, attacking them at night could make getting close easier but as much as it would have put Eden at a disadvantage, it would have even more for them once they got into the main building. Eden knew its way around in there, they didn't. They would be going blind. What she would have given to have that fucking block of C4 right now but it was in Newnan... What was left of Newnan. Taking a deep breath, Thana took another look left, and then right, and then left again. Just like if she had been crossing the street before she made a mad dash towards the midway treeline passed the sand traps. Keeping low and one of her pistols in hand. There was no turning back now, running out onto the course itself was crossing the point of no return. She made it to 17 and ducked beneath the low lying branches. A quick look and she looked back to where she had just come from, snapping out her knife she let it catch the sun light and flash back to where she had just come from. Hopefully they would know that meant all clear to where she was. Not waiting, she turned and darted to the other side of the small wooded patch. Okay, now to the next part. There were several paths she could take from here but she opted to head for 10. Letting out a short breath she darted again, yet in her path was a walker. Instead of killing it and leaving a dead corpse to be found she ran close enough to it to get its attention and then darted towards 10 once again. The walker starter following her as she wanted. If she could she would get it into the tree line and then take it out. Either way it was better to have it following her than left as proof someone was there. Hopefully Alex and Thalia would take another route to get to the other side. She didn't need it distracted and going back. [hr][hr][center][h1][i][b][color=f26522]Gavin[/color] And [color=598527]Lola[/color][/b][/i][/h1][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/a0340758-d589-4044-bfb7-0078536bb5ad.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=ffffff]Location:[/color][/b] Just outside Eden [b][color=ffffff]Skills:[/color][/b] Tank Operations (Lola), Land Navigation (Lola), People Reading (Gavin), Sniper Rifle(Gavin)[/center][hr] Lola heard what Alexander said through the radio and smirked. [color=598527]"Safe? Shit don't know the meaning of the word,"[/color] she laughed a bit. Thing was, the only safe Lola knew were for more adult activities. As far as fighting, war, blowing shit up, safe didn't come into the game. For her it just make her second guess things and that wasn't what she was about. Lola did what she wanted, when she wanted, didn't think twice. Life happened, it was too short to get held up on what ifs. Any type. So she just smirked a bit as she started to get what little ammo she had for her tank together. Gavin was around the same thinking as Lola right then. This wasn't about staying safe, this was about keeping people safe. If that mean his ass had to end up in a scrap with a bulldog for the last bone, then ol' Uga was jut going to have to deal with his teeth getting knocked in. Sound carried out of the top of the tank easy enough, metal made for acoustics. The fact that they were going radio silent didn't sit well with Gavin. He knew why they had to, they didn't have ear coms or throat speakers. Walkies weren't exactly quiet. Still didn't like it. He wanted to hear if shit was going down with Thana. [color=598527]"Okay crash course in blowing shit up, Lola style,"[/color] the Kiwi said as she rubbed her hands together. [color=598527]"You take this,"[/color] she said as she picked up [url=http://www.surfacezero.com/g503/data/500/medium/37mm_Ammunition_Collection_1_.jpg]one of the five shells[/url] she had. [color=598527]"Shove it in here, pointy end first."[/color] Quickly she shoved it in and closed the hatch, explaining as she went. [color=598527]"Take aim here, adjust here. This is up, this is down, this is left, this is right. This is boom fuck um button,"[/color] she said with a cool smirk before moving out of the way. [color=598527]"That's is, so be ready,"[/color] Lola said before slipping out of the chair and back down to driver seat. Gavin looked through his scope and scanned the area. [color=f26522]"We got three at the bridge gate, two on top, one patrolling. No other movement detected yet,"[/color] he said as he called down to the girls. They didn't seem to be taking notice of anything yet but they all were laying low and if shit didn't seem to be stirring at the gate Gavin could only assume that no one had yet taken notice of Thana and the other two. He hoped it would stay that way. The tank was to make the first move on the big billboard of [i]"Hey fuckers, we're here"[/i] moment. Granted if the others were directed, he was sure that the tank could redirect attention elsewhere. A tank vs 3 on foot, it was an easy call.