[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/CyVVOYC.jpg[/img][/center] [h2][center][u][b]Being a Hero![/b][/u][/center][/h2] A Hero is anyone who has graduated from the training offered by the Heroes Guild, and has been granted a Guild Seal. That is the official definition, however, that will not make one a 'true' Hero. What makes a Hero in the eyes of the citizens of Thalnaris, is great Deeds. Whether Good, Evil, or just downright silly, the acts of Heroes are talked about at great length, the word and news spreading faster than fire. Heroes are made into celebrities, where every move they make is watched with anticipation and wonder. Just like all well-known figures are, not all Heroes are liked. Many are despised by the general public, most of the time with good reason. Many Heroes choose to wield their power to go down the path of evil, and to the citizens' great surprise, the Guild allows this! Other Heroes are hated for other reasons, so always be careful. The Heroes Guild has little to no rules most of the time with how Heroes are supposed to act. The only rule, being to not bring harm to another guild member while inside the guild, and respecting guild and guildmates' property. Heroes are not allowed to fight each other within the guild walls except for sanctioned, chaperoned training events or friendly duels, also supervised. However, they are allowed to even go as far as to fight to the death if they are a mile or more away from the Guild's entrance. While the Heroes Guild has little rules, Heroes are not exempt from the laws of other areas. Don't expect to be able to stab someone in the middle of a Town Square and not be taken down by the guards. The Guild will also work with law enforcement if guards come pounding on the door asking for you. The most important aspect to being a Hero however, is choosing your own path. The other benefits are wonderful, but it is known throughout the land that Heroes may arguably have more freedom than anyone else, and all are encouraged to express that freedom. The freedom to uphold good and justice in the world. The freedom to tear down civilizations and slaughter innocents until you are eventually killed by someone else. The freedom to kick chickens hundreds of feet into the air! The freedom to wear the most ridiculous pink outfits to grace the land! Freedom to fart on command in public!!! That one might not be the most popular though... These are Heroes. The guardians of peace and justice. The scourges that bring the world and its people to their knees. They are Renowned. They are celebrated. They are feared. They sometimes can be downright insane and express themselves with goatees and frilly pink dresses. You are one of these Heroes. What path will you choose? [center][u][b]Power of a Hero[/b][/u][/center] Heroes at even the lowest of standard are trained to be better in almost every way than the average commoner. They are faster, stronger, tougher, and every one has been trained to be able to attune themselves to magic. Even a hero known for his prowess as a warrior is able to perform tiny magical tricks such as snapping their fingers to produce a couple sparks. All races have something to train when coming into the guild. Orcs are much more physically powerful, and don't have to train much to meet the minimum standard. However they typically are slower or more dull, and have a difficult time with magic. They still must train these attributes. The opposite would go for an elf. Almost everyone spends about the same time at the guild training in one form or another to meet the minimum standard. The minimum standard isn't fit for a graduated hero either. All heroes must both meet that mark, and then on top of that, specialize in their own chosen skills even further. Only when they have gone above and beyond the minimal requirements may an apprentice be considered for graduation. Commoners are often amazed at how so many different races come out as new graduates all around the same level of strength in their own different ways. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/4DxinGj.jpg[/img][/center] [h2][u][b][center]Quests[/center][/b][/u][/h2] These are the quest cards that have been placed at the guild. Quest cards are requests for the guild to hire a hero to help people with. Almost anyone can submit a quest card, with the minimum reward always being 1000 gold. Most quest cards are open to everyone, however, a client may request specific Heroes. It would be up to those Heroes though, whether or not that they take the quest. A hero can take as many quests as they wish, and multiple heroes can all be on the same quest. If in separate parties, competition may form. Most quests will be sort of 'GM'ed by me. I will be leading people through adventures. However, anyone who wishes can create a quest and 'GM' it for other people. Please just talk to me about the concept first. Make sure that if your own character goes on the quest, he or she is given fair rewards in comparison to everyone else. Talk to me if there is any time you would like to run a quest. [u][b][center]Boasting[/center][/b][/u] Boasting is a common practice for Heroes. It both gets the word about you and your activities out there, and can net you some extra gold. There is a boasting platform outside of the Guild, which is always frequented by large crowds of journalists aiming to spread news throughout Thalnaris about heroes. Acting like a medieval paparazzi. The activities of heroes is always very entertaining news for civilians. How it works, is a Hero taking a quest will get on the boasting platform, and then he or she or it will say that they will do something extra amazing, beyond just completing the quest, and then wager some gold on it. Depending on how daring the boast is, the news companies will be willing to pay back many times the original bet. Something rather tame though will likely only net a tiny profit. The boasting platform is magical in nature, and will always be able to tell whether or not a Hero has completed their boast, or if they failed miserably. [indent][indent][b][i]Current Quests : [/i][/b][/indent][/indent] [u]Not the bees![/u] A particularly large group of Giant Wasps has made a nest in one of the Cult Towers. Clear out the infestation. Reward : 2,000 Gold [u]Howling Nights.[/u] An Eternal Werewolf has ventured out of the depths of the forests, and has been attacking people along the path outside of Cedarville. Slay the beast. Reward : 3,000 Gold [u]Spooky Scary Skeletons.[/u] Undead have been rising out of the ground in Darkwood, and are threatening to attack the local farmsteads. Thin their numbers enough to where they are not an immediate threat. Bonus if the source can be located and taken care of as well. Reward : 2,500 Gold, 2000 Gold bonus if source eliminated. [u]Trouble Brewin'.[/u] A clan of goblins have been harassing a meadery near Cedarville. The goblins have been stealing a lot of it and have been making merry. Unfortunately their ways of 'making merry' include smashing valuable mead-making instruments and equipment. The meadery is paying for them to be gotten rid of by whatever means deemed fit. Reward : 4000 Gold, 3 crates of Honey Mead. [u]Chicken Chasing.[/u] A chicken farmer's coop was stolen in an elaborate bandit raid, but said bandit raid failed miserably afterwards when the wagon with the stolen chickens tumbled off of a hill and over a cliff in a fight with a wandering hero. None of the chickens were harmed, but they escaped and all ran away in a fright. The farmer is paying 100 Gold per chicken returned, all of which have painted feathers with the farmer's family symbol. Total Reward : 10,000 Gold [u]Meating a Lady.[/u] A man in Valor's Rest is wanting a wife, but has specified that she be rather... Large. Plump. Porcine. A mouth that has consumed many pies, and a lot of beer. Find him a larger woman, or maybe fulfill the role yourself. Reward : 1000 Gold [u]A special recipe.[/u] A wandering chef has requested help gathering some kind of difficult ingredients for a dish. He would like a Hero to meet with him for more details and get him the items he needs. Reward : 3000 Gold [indent][indent][b][i]Completed Quests :[/i][/b][/indent][/indent] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/17qyeuX.jpg[/img][/center] [h2][u][b][center]Bestiary[/center][/b][/u][/h2] [center][i]This is where information about various creatures can be found. Will be expanded as the roleplay goes on.[/i][/center] Stonedweller - A Stonedweller could potentially be a very lucky find for anyone who comes across them, even if their initial appearance can be surprising. When someone walks close enough to a wall or rock that has a Stonedweller within, it will come out of the surface as a large, walking statue. They have various appearances matching their personalities. The Stonedweller will have a desire of some kind. This could be just seeing a person who agrees with their philosophy. It could be assessing someone's physical attributes or past deeds. It could even be to solve a puzzle or riddle they have. If the Stonedweller is satisfied, he or she will open a pathway in the stone they lived in, revealing a secret room with treasures hidden within. The amount of Stonedwellers in the world is unknown, but it has been confirmed that they can appear in areas where they weren't previously. It is assumed that they have some form of reproduction.