7:30 Pm Well, everything was spinning again, who would've guessed. Given her body there wasn't much alcohol she could handle, but that was just fine. Her drinking binges were fairly cheap. Another day passing by inbetween the smell of chemicals and the sights of body parts, with people making demands and asking for results. And patting her in the head while at it. Oh how she hated that. But at least the police was still a big family, and they did allow her some room to drink herself to stupor. Her life was not one of celebration and the rewards were few, but she could always hide in the hole. At least the barman didn't ask for an ID repeated times only to deny her drinks. On the other side Courtney sang. And she kept singing. [i]Why did she keep singing.[/i] Well, it was a given. An ex- Justice Heart like her would have no sense of self-shame when roused. At least it was just the songs she was murdering with her off-key voice. Much to the sanity of people, she at least wasn't wearing her magical girl suit. Urgh. She felt somewhat glad that she had been spared of the voice change bit that came with puberty. She knew she could still sing like an angel. But here it was, former cool big sis who then turned to ruin lives and now was trying to make some sort of recovery coming to pick her up. She should've let that for the little mini-Emily she had spawned during High School. Even if Lily looked 12, she [i]was not[/i]. "Someone put Thriller on the player and the corpses started dancing all of a sudden, what the f*ck do you think it was like, Emily?" Lily snapped, the alcohol making her spit bile full throttle. But she entered the car. It would have been quite a time-waster otherwise. "Oh, you're being chased Emily. Just brilliant. Just what we need. Weren't you the reliable one?" She added, while looking at the thing by the corner of her eye. "Can't we just yell for police? I know there is at least 20 drunk cops inside there who would shoot it dead. Sheesh." She added, grumbling as her sister urgency prompted her to do something. "Okay, reinforcements it is." She added, while pulling her phone with great dexterity. It was a testament of her surgical hand that the phone wasn't trembling at all despite the liquour and the car driving when she took the picture, added a GPS caption, and then started deftly typing: [i]To: Justice B*s Listen here you pretty little sh*ts Currently chased by a phallic monstrosity whom I believe it's Emily's ex Pic included Come help you f*cks PS: Not actually Emily's boyfriend, this one is more attractive PS2: Hate you Alice.[/i] "Aaand, sent." She finished by sending both picture and image to whatever contact list had of the ex-girls group. "Do you still want me to call your Fiona? She probably is busy outmoming you." Lily added before crumpling into a grumbling heap.