Lise walked behind her partner, thinking. She wasn't exactly sure what to say, or talk about, as they stepped towards the ghost apartment. Her lessons in being a hostess didn't really apply to the current situation. At the same time, it wasn't right to have a hanging silence. She noticed that Andreim wore gloves - maybe that was a talking point. '[color=lightpink]What am I thinking... Gloves? Really?[/color]' Lise sighed. Maybe her charge could pick up the conversation despite Lise's lack of speaking topics. As they reached the door to the building, Lise had another thought: What was her partners' abilities? She hadn't been keeping the best track of Laurels students. If anything, she was just now getting used to living outside of her manor, she hadn't had much time to study the people of Laurels. '[color=lightpink]I can't just ask him, it'd be rude...[/color]' Lise tossed on the tumultuous waves of her own thoughts. Lise put on a polite smile. "[color=pink]I'll let you take the first room, Andreim.[/color]" It was the perfect move. He would demonstrate his ability by clearing the room, and she wouldn't have to ask what his powers were. Lise grinned to herself. She truly was the best. Simply the best.