[@Goldmarble] But realistically speaking, a legitimate incident where someone shoots their gun to defend themselves is not too common. If someone takes out a knife as they approach me, and I quickly take out my gun and point it at them, they're more than likely going to run. Just the mere sight of a weapon is enough to deter a number of criminals. I get what you're saying about reliability, but the "what if" argument, in my opinion, is not stronger than what has already happened: hundreds of kids and adults dying in an educational setting (not including other places as well, which dramatically increases the number). Cost comes into play, sure, but the price for just about everything else is only skyrocketing even more. Look at healthcare, for example. Sure, it isn't a "right", but it's damn ridiculous. We're talking about people's lives here, not a damn gun. I'd first like to see affordable healthcare and then worry about getting everything else right, like reducing gun prices in the event that they'd all be more expensive due to the mandatory biometric feature. I'm arguing in favor of this because guns aren't going away, nothing anyone can do, it's a right. With that said, there better be [b]effective[/b] alternatives in order to avoid, or more realistically, reduce the number of deaths in schools and other places as well.