[color=fff200]"Aye. Shotguns do a lot of damage. 'seen plenty o' men taken down from a point blank blast..."[/color] Grodlar takes the thing before he turns it off completely, placing on his workbench and turning back to you. [color=fff200]"I'll return this to you shortly. The day is still young, my friends, and they don't call me the Iron Fist for nothin'! Bahaha!"[/color] You notice Grodlar's own metal arm as he chortles, beginning to work on the arm while you and Stride walk off to find other things. [color=ed1c24]"That's Grodlar the Iron Fist, the man who once wrestled a giant n'won. He's my main supplier of illegal goods outside of Yashar, and honestly, I trust him more than the smarmy fuck of Yashar. Pretty soon, yer arm'll be shootin' more than just fireballs."[/color]