[quote=@POOHEAD189] I'm not against the 2nd amendment in the slightest, honestly. It gives far more benefits than problems, and most anti-gun liberals do about as much unbiased research into that as conservatives do with climate change. However something I will stress that [@Xandrya] brought up is, at least liberals are [i]trying[/i]. They'll look at a mass shooting and go "something should be done" which is more than I can say for any conservative/republicans that I know. All they'll do is say the left is stupid and they hug their guns like 17 deaths is 'no reason to go overboard.' It's honestly disgusting. [/quote] I dunno. I mean I get what you're saying here and there's a valid emotional anchor to it, and you're not wrong for that. It's just.... the left is railing against the NRA. Dana Loesch went to CNN's town-hall/circus and sat through some disgusting rhetoric (from the 'trying' left), and like.... hang on, here's a list of all the mass-murderers in history who were NRA members: [quote=comprehensive list]1. [i]this space intentionally left blank[/i][/quote] Frankly I've gotten used to the lashing-out, because it happens all the goddamn time (not only from the left, that's just where I notice it because I'm biased). I'm not judging anyone for lashing out after a bunch of kids got fucking murdered. I'm also, ya know, I'm not stoked on legislating that lash-out when it's so blatantly misguided. Like.... we just watched as three armed cops sat outside the school and let a bunch of kids die, and the response is "Let's take away guns, so that only THOSE SAME COPS can stop a killer?" Really? And I already feel bad about wording that as strongly as I did (which isn't that strong TBH), this is an emotional moment, feel that shit, I don't mean to condescend. Just saying. My answer's gonna be no, when we get to the part where they're pitching a "solution." Heads up on that. School shootings have gone up since we made them "gun-free zones." I don't think it's insane to talk about letting teachers arm themselves to protect their students (provided we're also talking about training the volunteers).