Below is my character. I'd like to request Yellow, and the Desert Empire Deck. Also, is the Island Shumi Island, or Shibuya Island? [hider=Rana Haq] [center][h3][u][b][color=ffff00]Rana Haq[/color][/b][/u][/h3] [b][img][/img][/b] [color=ffff00][b]Name:[/b][/color] Rana Haq [color=ffff00][b]Age:[/b][/color] 14 [color=ffff00][b]Time in Shumi Island:[/b][/color] 1 year [color=ffff00][b]Nationality:[/b][/color] Libyan [color=ffff00][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Cold, emotionless, and jaded, Rana thinks primarily of survival. A fish out of water, she is grappling with the sudden change in her environment, from the harrowing violence and poverty that she came from, to the lush comforts of Shumi Island. She has closed her heart off from luxury in order to maintain the sense of duty she feels towards the people she left behind. Suffers from shell-shock and occasionally gets flashbacks. [color=ffff00][b]Hobbies & Interests:[/b][/color] Rana seems to get fixated on 'kinetic art', and enjoys seeing things in seemingly perpetual motion. She is therefore interested in machines, and Rube Goldbergs. Though she has very little experience with higher technology, she is vastly fascinated by the marvels of modern engineering and will jump at the opportunity to learn more about what makes them tick. [color=ffff00][b]Bio:[/b][/color] Rana is a survivor of the massive political destabilization that occurred in her home country. Part of a large group of refugees fleeing by boat, most of whom drowned, Rana was saved off the shores of Greece, becoming a bit of a news celebrity, after which she was constantly moved from place to place; no nation wanted to accept her, yet no nation wanted to reject her for the negative PR. Eventually, the wealthy island nation of Shumi decided to provide her with full lodging and an opportunity to get an education. This was ultimately a PR stunt on the part of Shumi Entertainment Media, but they made good on their promise. Now Rana is a confused but hardened girl trying to do her best at Catalyst Academy. Don't fill these in until I've confirmed availability: [color=ffff00][b]Ring:[/b][/color] (Choose a colour, Red, Blue, Yellow, Cyan, White, Black, Violet, Dark Orange, Grey.) [color=ffff00][b]Deck:[/b][/color] (Ask me what's available first) [color=ffff00][b]Ranking:[/b][/color] F [color=fff200][/color] This is the spirit of your card using abilities and the avatar for your card battles, one will be assigned to you after you pick a a colour for your ring. [/center] [/hider]