I hope I didn't go too far in controlling Anora there, putting her on the road in her car like that. Also, that last sentence isn't meant to keep her from attempting to help him, it's just that you never said she took first-aid training or anything. If she has or just so happens to possess good instincts, feel free to prove that sentence wrong lol. Feel free to have her ride with him to the hospital, he technically requested to keep her around before losing consciousness so I believe she's in her rights to come with. Remember to keep her human in all this. She's probably not adjusted to stuff like this and doesn't have to be in our modern generally-peaceful society. Seeing someone get hurt like this can easily cause PTSD in the average person, feel free to keep her in a natural mindset. I'm not saying make her freak out, obviously if she's not going to she's not going to. It's just that, feeling calm in the moment and melting down afterwords or screaming at the first sight of a bloody body or freezing up in the car are all normal reactions. She doesn't have to take any of them, but I'd like to see her react to things in the way a real Anora would, not monitord or dumbed down because things are probably gonna get mythical and crazy later lol. I hope all that makes sense and I'm not overstepping anything by saying all that. It'd be cool to make things happen kind of somewhat-normally for a little while anyways, like if if she gets a call form her mom later today because her daughters on the news for an automobile incident (assuming they even have that kind of relationship). Or if a worried friend comes to her apartment wondering where she was at work assuming she hardly misses. You know, just kind of in the ways that life likes to push itself into our activities if that makes sense. I know I'm making you carry a bit of the reigns, and I can help if you need me to and give me a little backstory to work with, but I just want the introduction into her life to actually be an introduction so we can all feel the full effects when shit hits the fan or begins to transition into craziness. I mean, we need to have at least a little normality for things to feel crazy when they get there. Also, I tried to tone down and bleep out the cursing in the first post. I'll do my best to keep away from it, my apologies for earlier. I am quite literally surrounded by people who swear like sailors day in and day out nowadays xD Feel free to correct me if I slip up again.