[quote=@SleepingSilence] So, what they're trying to do is spread fear and misinformation. So I don't want to give them pats on the back for shouting with passion, since they have no evidence, policy and/or sense to back it up. [/quote] I don't believe that is what they are trying to do, even if it's the result. [quote=@mdk] I dunno. I mean I get what you're saying here and there's a valid emotional anchor to it, and you're not wrong for that. It's just.... the left is railing against the NRA. Dana Loesch went to CNN's town-hall/circus and sat through some disgusting rhetoric (from the 'trying' left), and like.... hang on, here's a list of all the mass-murderers in history who were NRA members: Frankly I've gotten used to the lashing-out, because it happens all the goddamn time (not only from the left, that's just where I notice it because I'm biased). I'm not judging anyone for lashing out after a bunch of kids got fucking murdered. I'm also, ya know, I'm not stoked on legislating that lash-out when it's so blatantly misguided. Like.... we just watched as three armed cops sat outside the school and let a bunch of kids die, and the response is "Let's take away guns, so that only THOSE SAME COPS can stop a killer?" Really? And I already feel bad about wording that as strongly as I did (which isn't that strong TBH), this is an emotional moment, feel that shit, I don't mean to condescend. Just saying. My answer's gonna be no, when we get to the part where they're pitching a "solution." Heads up on that. School shootings have gone up since we made them "gun-free zones." I don't think it's insane to talk about letting teachers arm themselves to protect their students (provided we're also talking about training the volunteers). [/quote] I'm not arguing against you there. Literally every since progressive thing in the past 4 years that has happened has been illogical and unfounded, except 2 things. Gay Marriage, and the Oregon Domestic Violence Gun Ban. Other than those two, everything has been handled sloppily and it's all just been one huge emotional response. Like Kneeling for the National Anthem. I completely realize why they did it and why the left supported it, but it also solved nothing and was meaningless. All it did was make most American's think "Black people dislike America." Leftists are abysmal at...well, what they do. However, you have to give them credit for actually trying. They have good intentions. Conservatives don't do jack shit. The only thing they have done is try to make everything difficult for Obama for 8 years, and changing Healthcare to be worse. Everything they do is to be anti-liberal, whereas Liberals [i]are[/i] trying to make the world a better place, even if they suck at it (and become the judgemental fascists they themselves profess to hate sometimes, at least judging from facebook and tumblr). Their gun policies will probably do nothing, but God they still at least have empathy for people dying.