I'd be quite interested in this. My character is hidden below. Can I request Pride and Steel? As for ring, Grey suits my character best. [hider=Gareth Sigsby] [center][img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/7145/f/2013/089/4/7/steampunk_enginer_by_ayaiken-d5znbta.png[/img][/center] [center]Name: Gareth Sigsby[/center] [center]Age: 17[/center] [center]Time in Shibuya: 5 months[/center] [center]Nationality: Australian[/center] Appearance (The image works, but use the description here for details.): Wears whatever's comfortable/utilitarian, ie. Cargo pants, cheap tshirt, and a 60 liter backpack. Has a lower than average face, which is marred further by the grime constantly covering it. Well-muscled, and can probably win some money arm-wrestling. Short brown hair, to avoid it catching in machines. Personality: Curious, Intelligent, and generally uninterested in people. He's socially underdeveloped, due to spending all his free time around broken cars & shit like that, as opposed to people. An existentialist. Also a bit of a slob. He doesn't wash often, and his clothes are usually 'clean enough'. Hobbies & Interests (besides engineering): Violin, Dark Souls, Cooking, Chemistry, Poetry and Lyricism, and Philosophy. Bio: Gareth was raised by a small time mechanic living in Melbourne. When he was young he discovered an interest and a natural talent with machines. By 10 he had made several air rifles, a hydraulic arm for heavy lifting, and a mouse bot he hoped to enter Robot Wars with. At 12 he had started apprenticing under his father for a modest wage, and at 16 he entered TAFE to study engineering even further. His studies naturally led him to Japan as an exchange student. He'd already become quite accomplished at basic engineering, so he was to study robotic engineering there. AI and shit. He honestly expected to be placed into a more prodigious school, but he'll make do. He'll also have to make a trip to From Software's office soon. Don't fill these in until I've confirmed availability: Ring: (Choose a colour, Red, Blue, Yellow, Cyan, White, Black, Violet, Dark Orange, Grey.) Deck: (Ask me what's available first) Ranking: F This is the spirit of your card using abilities and the avatar for your card battles, one will be assigned to you after you pick a a colour for your ring. [/hider]