[center][hider=Character Sheet] Name: Species: Age: Gender: Appearance: Personality: Biography: (NOTE This is optional and is not needed if Myth Character...way too much history here) [/hider][/center] [h1][center][b][u]RULES[/u][/b][/center][/h1] [h3]1. GM Caveat. 2. No backseat driving. Don't play other people's characters. 3. The minimum of characters is two characters. You can, and are encouraged to play more than two. 4. At least one character will be human for every mythological creature that you play. This is non negotiable. Its suggested that you play both genders, male and female. Note this is a SUGGESTION. 5. Youngest age is 21 there is no limit on how old you want to make your character. Please keep in mind that your mythological character is most likely be very old but look very young. 6. You must wait to post till your character in the Character List.[/h3]