Adrian turned to Mason. "I know the odds are long, but we [i]have[/i] to do something. No one else can help. We have no proof to show the authorities, which are probably infiltrated by the Yeerks in any event, and what actually happened sounds like it comes out of a...a young adult book series!" He thought about it for a moment. "Still, stranger things have happened. When the Native Americans got their hands on muskets, it must have seemed like magic to them. Our new abilities are like that. Like magic to us, but not really. In fact-!" He stopped there, having been rendered uneasy by Emma's sudden and bizarre transformation. "That-that's some serious Terminator 2 crap right there." Adrian quickly regained his composure, but it was clear to him that this was something he would have to get used to. "Right. This is our musket. We just have to use it correctly."