Neil tilted his body slightly to the side as the coffee cup flew past him to hit the wall. He didn't blame Cheng for blowing up for a moment. The man had been far too calm earlier. Neil had expected an outburst at some point. Thankfully he calmed immediately however, and they received the details. "It could just be a routine kidnapping. Pretty women are unfortunately taken sometimes..." Neil said, slipping his hands into his pockets as he voiced that uncomfortable fact. Cheng composed himself well enough, but they could see that he was obviously doing his best to appear cool and collected. "Do you have any enemies we should know about, Mr. Cheng?" Neil asked him, gazing upwards at the man. The executive raised his hands as high as his shoulders in defeat. "I do have some unsatisfied investors...people who owe me money. Those in the mining business that..." He stopped, blinking as he considered an intrusive thought. "I don't think that these people would do this, but there was a business partner I had to cut ties with recently. Kramer Mining and Productions, one of the burgeoning businesses out here that specialize in mining asteroid minerals, though they sometimes go planet side. I just... they're reputable from what my sources tell me. Seems unlikely it's them." "Well it's a start," Neil said to Sayeeda, giving Taya a wink. "What about the investors? Any of them on the station?" "All of them are." He said glumly. "If you go to the eastern wing of the Commons, you'll find a Center for Shareholders. We partner up and, recently my bank has been having problems with who we invest with. Pirates attack cargo ships, and we lose capital. But how would that be my fault?" He seemed utterly helpless at the moment, as if asking some higher power. Neil honestly felt for the man, in general. "Don't worry sir, we'll figure this out for you as best we can." The Pilot declared, clicking his teeth together. "Where's Kramer located?" "I...about a million kilometers off station on a smaller satellite station." "By the way, can we have our money back?" [@Penny]