[quote=@Penny] Most people who take opiates do so responsibly ergo there should be zero regulations on there sale and distribution. Or whatever other simile you want to dream up. [/quote] There are assloads of regulations on the sale and distribution of firearms. What additional regulation do you propose? [quote=@POOHEAD189] Conservatives don't do jack shit. The only thing they have done is try to make everything difficult for Obama for 8 years, and changing Healthcare to be worse. [/quote] Well conservatives in government also roll over and sell out their libertarian-leaning base in misguided "compromises" then celebrate the "victory" by playing up the theocratic elements of the deal. SMALL counterpoint -- my personal experience with fed-controlled healthcare has left me firmly and completely convinced that anything and everything done to fight US single-payer is a win. I get that it's appealing to the uninitiated, but I don't wish what I got on anybody, and when the GOP fights it, I'm happy with the GOP. Can go deeper on that again if you missed the last episode of mdk backstory, but be warned my feelings are strong. MORE TO THE POINT: Conservatives don't do jack shit, because conservatism is about small government [i]that doesn't do jack shit.[/i] That's.... kind of our deal. No federal regulation of any kind is going to motivate those three Broward County cops to go in and do their fucking job -- to pretend otherwise is a waste of time. I mean we can push whatever law you want through Congress, but the three trained locals holding the weapons? [b]They are the real law.[/b] We're all gonna be a lot happier with our real law if I handle mine and you handle yours. Hell, buy your own gun, if god forbid you need it you'll find the individual matters a whole lot more in the real world than the virtues we signal in D.C.