[quote=@Penny] I would hope that from my posts it is clear that I [b]DO[/b] want to ban/take (some) guns away. [/quote] Okay. Neato. I recommend watching that AR video I posted. To add more to your ban list. (Might I suggest all, saves the trouble of needing more laws later. *read this like a waiter recommending you the soup of the day*) Though you [b]really should[/b] post this in the discord thread. Make both sides mind explode. Please? We'd probably both get a kick out of it? I'll give you a humble bundle of steam games codes if you at @ everyone who uses it. You can even say "I made you do it." <.< *I'm like 80% serious about this joke bribe* Though I'll note you can't give me a 'bias' pass off, the daily mail ain't right wing. (that I'm aware of.) And ignoring the best phrase of "even a broken clock is right twice a day." It would be beneficial for you personally, to not disregard something just because of the person or thing saying it. But I digress. If you'll allow me to be snarky. Australia "allows" guns, like Canada "allows" speech...until you misgender someone Then off to the tribunals with you heathen. And a quick reply to that. [quote=@Penny] I start from the premise that all relationships take place between consenting adults. [/quote] You already are too right wing for progressives at slate. And also more Conservative than U.S law. :D (Pedophiles and age of consent laws very wildly around the globe, let alone US. To explain my sarcasm.) [quote=@Penny] It doesn't really matter if I think its mentally healthy or not. [/quote] Society kind of matters though. And it honestly should...since you also limit consent and adults...you can't "not" judge and still have standards. Deja vu, I know I've said this before. [quote=@Penny] I've certainly met poly people who are in seemingly healthy happy relationships and traditional marriages which are clearly mental deathtraps which shouldn't exist in a just universe. [/quote] https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/07/case-against-polygamy/397823/ https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/06/polygamy-not-next-gay-marriage-119614 http://blog.practicalethics.ox.ac.uk/2012/01/why-is-polygamy-wrong/ https://themerelyreal.wordpress.com/2012/08/27/gay-marriage-and-polygamy-why-the-slippery-slope-argument-isnt-as-wrong-as-you-think/ https://bigkingken.wordpress.com/2011/02/23/polygamy-sucks-for-women-in-terms-of-genetic-sexual-selection/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3782180/ I uh...provided more options for you this time. ^-^' Also on tradition marriages...the thing that best guarantees personal health and happiness and financial stability being in your term "a mental death trap" I disagree strongly... https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/facts-marriage-makes-us-stronger/ [quote=@Penny] At the risk of being somewhat controversial - Incest is actually sort of an interesting case and I'd like people to keep an open mind about it. Then again not all relationships have producing children as a goal. [/quote] I'm glad you'd like that...frankly the fact you added the caveat of being controversial...but your original quote actually doesn't exclude incest...I wonder if you've really thought about what you're advocating for here. And to paraphrase someone else's joke. An asexual society, can't last very long. But to be more serious, we're already seeing the problems of not enough births in other nations around the world. Like...(So in short. Yeah. Sex was literally made for that purpose...And marriage was the best way to do that and not have a single parent household.) https://www.marketwatch.com/story/low-fertility-rate-may-predict-the-next-recession-2018-02-26 https://worldview.stratfor.com/article/fertility-rates-keep-dropping-and-it-s-going-hit-economy-hard [quote=@Penny] It creates a sort of moral double standard. I'll admit that I suffer from the same social ick factor as most people but I'm not sure that should be controlling. [/quote] You should be. It's not just because it's "icky". Society didn't want too many of the population fucking their relatives, because babies are born risking more horrible problems with health/birth defects. To spare sounding any more politically incorrect I won't get into all the other examples that don't exactly produce offspring. Something that has potential to end civilizations...