[@Penny]No. I was merely saying how incest could bring more potential problems than you were indicating, and that it's something that is more destructive than many diseases historically. I was just giving food for thought on your discussion with Sleep. I have no opinion one way or the other on it being allowed or not in marriage other than the ick factor and how unhealthy psychologists deem it. (I recall they did studies that indicated it was problematic but I can't remember how much or why). Without getting into our previous discussion on designer babies way back when, genes often have more than one purpose and altering a code to change your child's appearance or what-have-you could effect them in other ways that we 1) cannot change or 2) do not yet understand. Plus a big problem to the designer baby thing is an eventual lack of genetic diversity, something that you can't 'alter' away very easily without infringing on the theoretical rights of the designer parents. But past those points, we'd just repeat the ethics of it like we were ;) I [i]am[/i] concerned with people passing along genetic diseases to their kids as well. I cannot tell if this is bigoted of me, but I do sometimes see someone with a disease such as down syndrome and they announce they are having a child and I think to myself "that's probably not a good thing" because I feel it is somewhat unfair to the child, potentially. I will say that if we look at ourselves completely scientifically as a species, the point of the species is to survive and thrive the best way it can. Hence the natural inclination to not marry your sibling or mother or father past it being arranged to keep some arbitrary bloodline 'pure.'