[color=goldenrod][h3]Courtney Cartwright[/h3][/color] [b]Inside the ‘Police Bar’; 7:30-ish PM[/b] [hr] [color=goldenrod] “Dismissed...” [/color] Cartwright said with a huff, as her cheerful demeanor took a bit of a nosedive due to what she thought the reception was to her performance. [color=goldenrod] “Rejected!”[/color] anguished Courtney Cartwright in a melodramatic fashion as she threw her right hand up, placing the back of it against her temple. As she sullenly trudged towards her table she pulled her chair back, spinning a bit as she began to sit down. [color=goldenrod] “Publicly humiliated...”[/color] she said with a huff as she promptly sat down in her chair while idly staring at a frozen margarita, which was partially finished and inside a large purple novelty glass. Using her left hand she grabbed at the green straw that was firmly embedded in the slush and began spinning it around. Well at least she still had a bit of a drinkypoo, though that wasn’t probably going to help all too much in this particular case. [b][i]Bzzzz.[/i][/b] Courtney blinked as she glanced towards her purse, a [b]goldenrod[/b] colored container with a nice little flower serving as the lock and fairly thing straps. [color=goldenrod] “Oh! Let’s us see what do we have here...”[/color] Bringing the purse up onto the table, Courtney proceeded to do the small twist needed to unlatch her purse. With a brief bit of scavenging and moving away tissues, assorted make-up, associated mirrors among other bric-a-brac she plucked out her phone. It was an older model of smart-phone, and it had a few cracks on it (but hey at least it [i]was[/i] a smart-phone) and it seemed to be [b]lit up.[/b] Besides the [b]important message[/b] from Lily and a few other text messages and some missed calls, the phones’ multitude of apps – dating services, some ‘freemium games’ both puzzles and otherwise, some coupon services, podcast updates, etc. all immediately flashed out trying to seek out the attention of its user. [color=goldenrod] “Oh geez louise,” [/color] Courtney mumbled out as she clicked on the first of this long list. Cartwright’s trance-like eyes scrolled over the phone as she began to decipher this particular neon-lit message which sought to bring some sort of gratification to the user. A smile crept over Courtney’s face as she frenetically turned her head from side to side in some surveillance attempt. Satisfied with the brief glimpses around for the scenery in the detect for [i]something[/i] or [i]someones[/i] Courtney quickly balled up her right fist and brought her arm down towards her. [color=goldenrod] “Woo~ got right-swiped!”[/color] Courtney stated proudly as her eyes fixated on the figure upon the phone, [color=goldenrod] “Good interests, [i]nice bod[/i]… This might work!”[/color] With that particular situation remedied; Cartwright began going through the list of other updates her phone had given her. By the time she arrived at Lily’s message, she had a [b]intrusion[/b] in the most personal of personal spaces! That infernal creature never had the politeness to ask before trying that trick. Glowering, to the point that there were [b]angry heart looking sparks[/b] emanating from her eyes she had known she had received [i]two[/i] messages involving spooky monsters of the past. And not the metaphorical kind like the [i]risqué chicanery[/i] she got involved with during her youth that lingered over as her as a spectre. No, these were the kind of monsters that she could legally, well easily anyway, hit; like the ones she hit as a kid. [color=goldenrod] “Oh well, that. That isn’t very far at all now is it?”[/color] Courtney Cartwright shrugged as she grabbed her purse and slung it over her shoulder. And the fair heroine Courtney Cartwright move into action readying herself to face the terrors that surely awaited the other heroines! Of course due to being relatively close to the action, after all Courtney was sure they couldn’t have made it that far away from the bar, she sauntered out of the building. [color=goldenrod] “Gee..”[/color] Courtney began in thought, tilting her head as she idly tapped her right cheek with her index finger. [color=goldenrod] “Wonder why she didn’t try to pull me out along her as soon as she left. Oh well, that’s a question for another day I suppose.”[/color]