Sinth was hunkered down, observing the locale of Ori's party and the vicinity and in the back of her mind she was devising the best route to her meet with the data jacker she'd arranged via encrypted messages over the public channels. She wasn't all that interested in the data itself. Well, information was always useful. It was more the timing of the data grab. So close to the Ori party. It was too well timed to be a coincidence, giving the jacker the perfect opportunity to snatch the prize. Which led her to believe that either someone was setting up said jacker, or the information stolen was planted with the deliberate intention to be set loose into willing hands. Either way, Sinth wanted to check it out. If nothing else, only to maybe help the poor soul who was trying to make a living in this broken world of theirs. Her AI senses had picked up on a presence in the vicinity that did not appear to be threatening in nature so she filed it away for later analysis when her comms came to life. "Sinth, something's up..." One of the perimeter sentries she'd posted alerted. "I'm tracking a big truck heading your way. There's no distinguishing features on it. How should I precede?" "Acknowledged." Sinth responded, while her AI mind processed the information and began adjusting their plan of action to include this new variable. "Tighten the perimeter, but stay on the outskirts of it. Our objective remains the same. Extract the android with next to no collateral damage. Adjust on the fly to changes in the conditions with that in mind." Sinth had barely voiced her orders when the big truck came into her field of vision. If AI's had something akin to a sixth sense, hers just went off like a rocket. "Stay sharp!" She instructed her team. "Something is going down." She warned as the truck collided with the doors of the warehouse. Chaos ensued! "Go!" Sinth ordered. "Track the target and extract. Stay safe. Help civilians if you can. Do not compromise yourself or the target. I'll run interference on my end." The AI instructed and rushed to enter the fray. Her synthetic soul reeled at the mindless and utterly useless carnage that was about to take place. Why was violence always such an easy choice? She wondered as she rushed into the mob of people trying to flee through the busted front doors of the locale. The heedless goons and mercenaries cutting down people left and right without so much as a thought for the lives they were taking. Sinth engaged her shield and brought out her trusty kunai. She sliced into the firing squad from behind cutting two down without much trouble before she was spotted. Random civilians noticed the opening she'd created and used it to make a mad dash towards safety. "Run!" She shouted "Get the fuck out while you can!" She admonished as a mercenary engaged her in a hand to hand. He was good, but she was better. Her far superior processing power making her deadly in close quarters. She cut down her target and went on to the next one. Her intent not to disable all unknown operatives, but merely to create a clear enough path for the innocence to leave relatively unscathed. "Target acquired!" Came through the comms. "Team status?" Sinth inquired. "Three casualties." Was the grim reply. "Proceed to extraction." She instructed. There was no need to tell her people to take the bodies of their fallen with them. Sinth's team never left anyone behind. The AI's features darkened upon the news of the loss and a rare rage took over Sinth as she threw herself into combat with viciousness that belied her cold, effective, tactical moves. By the time she rejoined her team, she was covered in battle splatter. She'd killed more than she'd intended and her soul weight heavy with the burden of lives taken. "Drop me off at the nearest safe house. I have another matter to attend to." She instructed the driver. She needed some time to recenter herself. Clean the muck of battle, take care of her injuries and get to her meeting.