[center][b][h1]Jocelyn Victoria Beatrice Harmon AKA Tonic[/h1][/b][/center] [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/7285acb5-3916-4377-a6e1-a21597a529b6.jpg[/img][/center][hr][h2][center]Location: Academy Front Courtyard[/center][/h2][hr][center][h3] Interaction: Thracius Laufey ([@Caits]), Svanna Laufey ([@Vicier])[/h3][/center][hr][hr]Hearing Duke let out a growl Tonic looked down at him and gave him the hand signal for ‘Away’. Duke trotted off about twenty feet or so seeming to grumble about it. Slowly Tonic turned toward the intrusive voice that had pulled her back to reality and away from visually examining the girl. Looking about mid chest level she looked up and up. [i]Well tall, nice shoulders, arms and chest. Nice clean lines good bone structure. Good jawline, cute chin. Very nice lips and nose. Nice dark eyes and dark blonde hair. Potential but the attitude needs work.[/i] There was an announcement of something about...orientation. Tonic made a mental note of it. Making sure the look in her eyes was bored she met the male’s dark eyes. Tonic raised an eyebrow at him and his proprietary, commanding tone.[i] Seriously? In this day and age I have to deal with some well groomed ape that thinks he can order people around because he’s the son of Loki? Why is it that all the really good looking ones are jerks?[/i] Tonic looked him right in the eye tilted her head and said in a very serious voice and slightly mocking voice. [b]“Ah forgive my lack of manners in addressing the injury that your sister; I can guess by your familial similarities, has suffered. I did not realize that you planned on torturing her till you escorted her to the nurse; who is likely yet another Midgardian, to assist her. I would but offer healing to her injury but since you wish to persist in allowing her pain then I shall withdraw my offer of healing and friendship. Unless of course you truly care for her and you wish me to alleviate her pain. The choice is yours Son of Loki.”[/b] Tonic gave a slight curtsy not breaking eye contact with him and rising slowly and gracefully, not waiting for acknowledgement a slightly mocking twist to her lips. [i]Serve and return. Hope you choke on your indignation you pompous ass.[/i] [b]“Harmon. Jocelyn Harmon. [i]Midgardian Healer.[/i]”[/b]