I was going to reply to all the gun stuff, but I feel like everyone has said their piece and done a pretty decent job of articulating their points, and I don't feel like repeating myself. Instead, I'll just allow this to move forward into the discussion of allowing consensual adult polygamous incestual relationships, which, I'm not in favor for, let me be clear, just because of the insane amount of psychological damage I feel it would do to children that were witness to these arrangements, but for which I also have no empirical evidence and no desire to research. And that was a stupid-long run-on sentence, but fuck it. Edit: You might all be beautiful people, though some of you might actually be terrible human beings, and I appreciate the vast majority of the discussion here and marvel at the maturity on display. Also edit: Oh, and this just happened: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/house-democrats-introduce-bill-prohibiting-sale-of-semi-automatic-weapons/article/2650087 So even though it will never pass, fully expect anyone you know that isn't an anti-gun liberal to spend their tax return on an AR-15. This is going to sell more guns than any marketing strategy that could ever be concocted.