Mildor sat there, in the darkness of the night, a soft sigh expelling from his lips as he'd lift his head, and his brightened gaze would glance over the village that they had stopped at, at all the dimly lit tents and slightly displaced cargo on wagons so that people could sleep. A heavy feeling overcame him, the feeling of leadership. Both him and his sister.. They had a responsibility, as well as a curse. What a horrendous combination that was. Releasing a sigh, he'd notice Sargom approach him. Even though she spoke it, he could feel the corruption close. Hell, at this point, he and Aegnith had become apart of the blasted darkness, as well as a handful of guards that had been able to withstand it. Their personal followers. As she described her plan, he would pause to think about it. Heaving a low sigh, he'd lift his hand again, feeling the heat crawl beneath it. His eyes narrowed. "Fine," He mumbled. "We'll go with your plan. Now, go get some sleep." He sent her away with a light wave of his hand, exhausted and irritated from the day they had experienced. After another hour or so from sitting atop the wagon, he slowly eased himself down, walking to his sister's tent. He peeked in, noticing that she was already asleep. She would twitch every so often, something she had never done before, and every time she would twitch he could see a pulse of their curse run through her. She was the direct manifestation of Kod. Any time, if she wasn't strong enough.. He could use her against them. He could use [i]him[/i] against everyone else. He winced, before stepping away from her tent. He made his rounds, walking around the makeshift camp and keeping an eye on everyone. He didn't sleep a wink that night.