Sorry for the wait, ya'll. My reviews got deleted during an automatic update, so as a result, this rewritten post will be a lot less warm and friendly than my usual vibe, but also as straight and to the point as possible, so bear with me. Characters who are accepted can be moved to the characters tab and are clear to start building relationships, though as the IC is starting shortly, this is not paramount. Characters who are not accepted are "Waitlisted" until they complete any edits necessary. For some people this may be easy as there are only minor edits necessary, other people might find their extra edits more difficult. The only rule here is that you only get one edit/rewrite, so make it count. No "bad writers" applied, but I'm definitely looking for a specific, Grapes-Of-Wrath literary vibe that's hard to nail. Anyway, without further deliberation, here are the reviews. [hider=Accepted] Daniel Marlowe Andrew Briggs Abigail Tackett[/hider] [hider=Not Accepted][u]Benjamin Hayes[/u] - Sheet's good so far, but you haven't written a personality. [u]Marjorie Tackett[/u] - Bilingual only counts for languages in which you could hold conversation, and adding a third language adds another point and becomes Trilingual. Given that you're in Florida, it also seems wholly unlikely that the ethnic makeup of the farmhands supported learning Polish, German, or Russian. Spanish works fine as a bilingual bonus, as does French Creole, but taking both would require an extra point. - Viewing blacks as livestock is pretty extreme, especially considering Farmer Tackett is more of a prejudiced hick than a cross-burning eugenecist, so I'd like to see that toned down. [u]Amelie St. Joan[/u] - Right off the bat, gonna level with you and say that if you're gonna double characters, I'd prefer a character who fits better into the 30's farmstead setting. Historically speaking, it doesn't not make sense for her to be working in the farmhouse, but I don't think an elderly, globetrotting frenchwoman is what I am looking for in the main cast. Perhaps I'd be more willing to accept exceptions to the thematic status quo in the future, but for now, I don't think I'd like to use Amelie in the story. If you're more likely to rewrite her than scrap her, the only issue I have is the Bilingual trait as mentioned in MJ's review. [u]Esther Eppinette[/u] - The second half of her personality is too edgy, and tonally, not what I'm looking for in a bleak depression-era farm. Having a spunky spitfire around seems strange considering the bleakness of the setting. - Her untrustworthy malicious streak doesn't work for me. I made Slim "act" around others, for instance, but I maintained that it's because he's a cripple who doesn't wanna get his ass kicked by a bunch of farmhands because he gets the easy jobs. Esther's hidden, cruel nature doesn't have any reason to cohesively mesh with the rest of her personality or history. - Switchblades have not been invented. The only reason I point this out is because I researched the hell out of it when I was making a shifty cajun. There are folding pocketknives, some with button-activation, but they're far from the cool hoodlum knife you and I wanted when we set out to give our characters switchblades. [u]John Harke[/u] - Simply put, this character doesn't have much of a personality or much work put into their sheet. John has traits a bunch of other applicants simply have [i]better[/i]. This is another candidate for a rewrite. [u]Howard Thatcher[/u] - So far, so good. That being said, you're still missing a few sections. [u]Aiden Miller[/u] - My main issue with Miller is not that his appearance and personality are both a bit bland and straightforward -- perfectly fine for this setting, mind you -- but because this makes his history the most important section of his sheet, I have to judge his history more closely. Aiden's combined history and personality simply don't read like the biography of a real person. There exists a [s]wicked stepmother[/s] child-beating, incestuous rapist, fire-and-brimstone father as an antagonist, foiled by his protagonistic son who's true devotion to religion make him both morally superior, his attacking his father makes him physically superior, and his devout interest in literature make him mentally superior. I'm surprised he's still working as a farmhand considering Lex Luthor could be wreaking havoc in Metropolis. I'd like to see a version of Aiden that seems less perfect. [u]Joseph Chester[/u] - If you were wondering why you don't see many centered sheets, it's because they're hard to read. - Consistently getting the farm's name wrong in the second half of your sheet and the too-many traits makes me a sad panda. - Stumps is not one of the only colored men working on the farm. There is an entire barn for the colored workers, which probably outnumber the white ones. - The first half of his history doesn't make a lot of sense applied to the real-world scale of segregation, but I can forgive that for someone unfamiliar with US history. - Unless he's contracted the world's slowest-moving gangrene, his arm isn't scabby/gauze-y anymore, it's a fleshy stump. He's more likely to experience phantom pains than he is to still be treating an injury, even of that scale, after two years. [u]Lucas McNulty[/u] - Personality and history are too short, and don't give me a true idea as to what this person is like on the day-to-day. - Padre seems just a little unnecessarily corrupt/evil. If he had a more fleshed out history or personality, it might make more sense. [u]Alice Hallark[/u] - 2manytraits - I think she could be bumped up a couple of years, considering her history. - Red Plague happened too recently and too locally to be in her history, but you get extra brownie points for the effort. [/hider]