He smirked as she said that she was as adoring as ever. Olric made sure the sword was secure on the hook above them before he took her shovel and went to work repairing it using copper and iron to reinforce it so it would be less likely to break again. He laughed a bit as she said the sooner he finished the sooner she would start to work with it and he said "I'll try and be extra careful then. As for the sword I'm planning to give it to the next goblin that wants to be chief. Their is always some young goblin wanting to be the big boss so I make a good sword for them" he said as if it were a normal occurrence. Of course it was normal that the headstrong goblins want to be chief all olric was doing was providing them with the tools to do so with. Once he melted down the copper he serrated to hammer it into the shovel singing once again [i]"goblins on the first day made camp, goblins on the second day made hay, goblins on the third day make farms, goblins on the fifth day got guards..."[/i] he kept singing onward keeping rhythm as he counted days for the goblins as he hammered