[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=c4df9b]Amelia Payne[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/8e/10/18/8e10189b3a15eb09ab7d0ade37aaeeec--kat-mcnamara-katherine-mcnamara.jpg[/img] [I]Location: The Park near her home, Los Angeles, California Interacting With: No one[@SouffleGirl123] [/I][/center] [hr][hr] [color=c4df9b]“No, we want two hotdogs.”[/color] Amelia replied with a rare shy smile, throwing a look at the dog that was currently waggling it's tail by her. Yeah it was fine to do something good, be it as small as feeding a dog. She was not good with people, at least dogs were not going to judge her. They weren't her most favorite animals, but all things considered she just didn't usually like them. Right now in her solitude and depression, just the fact she will help this creature made her feel better. Maybe she would outgrow her dislike of them she gained as a child.[color=c4df9b]” Both without anything additional like mustard... just a little bit of salt on one of them”[/color] She smiled, pulling her wallet and some money to pay for the food. Once she got the hotdogs, she thanked the man and walked away towards a nearby bench again. With a smile she placed the hotdog on the ground by her, letting the dog eat, while she returned to her own one, biting into it. She was happy that she was eating. It felt like she hadn't eaten for a while. When she was done. She smiled and looked at the dog.[color=c4df9b]” Well, I hope you liked it, doggy.” [/color]Amelia said quietly and stood up.[color=c4df9b]” Be careful out here, okey?”[/color] She said to the dog, thinking deep down that she probably appeared like a crazy person for speaking to a homeless dog, but she couldn't help it. While she disliked dogs, she also felt a weird connection with this one for some reason. Maybe she was too depressed and lonely lately. She wondered why she actually didn't like them to begin with. What she could come up with was the time her cousins nearly let the dog of a friend of theirs to bite her. Now that this was done, she started walking towards the electronics store, to check what sorts of cheap telephones they had. She hoped that while her lightning friend her phone, at least it's sd card wasn't damaged so she'd be able to transfer her music... It was her one solace. She didn't want to lose her songs from Riley. She had bought those with her savings every now and then. One of the few singers she bought the songs of. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=fff200]Claire Winters [/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/nFyOaXE.gif[/img] [I]Location: ME Office, New York City, New York Interacting With: Olivia[/I][/center] [hr][hr] [color=fff200]“Let's get walking then. I want a hot coffee.”[/color] She smiled as they started walking. To be fair Claire pondered the look of Olivia's wet heir. It gave her a wild look in a way. Reminded her of a TV show she watched where the main female lead once had such a scene. Thought aside, she did conclude Olivia was a beautiful woman indeed. Though that wasn't the main point for the moment, they had other things to deal with, but maybe eventually? What, she was someone who was searching for a good partner in life! One who preferrably didn't keep her from having fun as she wished or could keep up with her. [color=fff200]“Health is important after all.”[/color] Claire smiled as they reached the cafe.[color=fff200]” Chivalry is not dead.”[/color] She smiled as Olivia said she'd pay[color=fff200].” Black, no sugar.”[/color] Was her reply, standing close to Olivia, looking around to spot a good table to take. She finally picked one by the front windows, so they can watch the rain outside. It was a calming thing. Meanwhile she was also trying to read things from Olivia's mind while she was ordering the coffees. Claire couldn't help herself now. Reading minds had gotten as a second nature to her. [color=fff200]“I will be at that table.”[/color] Claire stated and pointed at the table she liked, after she a few moments of trying to read through Olivia's mind. Then she walked over, sat down and pulled her phone. Within 3 moves, she turned it off and removed the battery, putting it back in her pocket.