Blue ring and the Natural Order deck, please. [hider=Kilo Nanoya] [img][/img] Name: Kilo Nanoya Age: 17 Time in Shibuya: 3 years Nationality: American Personality: Kilo is a man who thinks before all else. He is highly intelligent, and values that trait in a person above all else. While coming off as a condescending know-it-all, Kilo just has issues making connections with others, preferring to interact with machines over people. That, and his hobbies (below) caused him to be labeled a "nerd". Hobbies & Interests: Kilo's first love is programming. From a young age, Kilo loved to find out what made computers tick. Once he learned about computer programming, it was only natural that he teach himself what he could. However, Kilo found other hobbies in video games and card games. Card games are personal favorites of his, due to the unique combination of luck and strategy. Bio: Kilo grew up more of a loner than anything. He didn't really start making friends until he was around 13, when he discovered TCG's, and the promise they held. Through his friends he made playing various TCG's, he met other friends who shared video game interests with him. When he was finished with middle school, he was invited to attend Catalyst Academy. Brutus accepted, and has been attending the academy for three years now. Don't fill these in until I've confirmed availability: Ring: (Choose a colour, Red, Blue, Yellow, Cyan, White, Black, Violet, Dark Orange, Grey.) Deck: (Ask me what's available first) Ranking: F This is the spirit of your card using abilities and the avatar for your card battles, one will be assigned to you after you pick a a colour for your ring. [/hider]