Olric smiled at her about to say something before she left but ty had come over with a rabbit's head no doubt to plead with the gods for a successful hunt but this time it was a raid and it was clear that he got nabi attention. Olric wasn't a hunter or fighter all he could do was make weapons worthy of the fight. He waited till he finished hinting at bringing nabi along before he coughed to get their attention. "Actually ty I was going to finish a sword I just recently made. I was planning to give it to some young warrior that wanted to fight in the ring. If you want I could finish it and give it to you for the right price. Nabi I also wanted to say I was going to offer you an apprenticeship with me as a blacksmith if you were interested." He said with a shrug since he could bring anyone on as a craftsman even if she was a woman. It was a much safer profession then hunting or raiding for a female. [@Aristocles][@Pandalope]