[@Pandalope][@Jangel13] "I... let's take it one at a time." Taurl considered his words carefully. "Nabi, if you want to come with me on the raid, you may. Nothing will stop you from returning to the forge, as long as you stay safe. And Olric, I have no idea where to get some rare ore, so you'll probably have to settle for some stuff I take back from the raid. If by some chance I get any of that ore, I'll be sure to give it to you." He had the feeling that they were competing for Nabi's attention, although they both knew that she wasn't going to be bound to any of them no matter what happened. In fact, no goblin was ever bound to a marriage or even an exclusive pair. They knew not to mate with their cousins due to their scent, even if it was subtle, such an attraction simply didn't happen. Not that anyone acknowledged family much beyond their mother, siblings, and maybe a grandmother. The whole tribe was a sort of extended family for them all.