[@Jangel13][@Aristocles] Nabi nodded. "Okay, then I'll do both then." A smile spread across her lips. "I'll go with you on the raid right now, Ty," she turned to Olric, "and then I'll return tomorrow to get started as your apprentice. I don't want to deal with Gabi right now, though, so . . ." She leaned the shovel against the wall. "I'm sure my sister will come by later to pick this up when I don't bring it back. Can you give it to her then, Olric?" Gabi heaved a sigh and dropped the bag of grain for the chickens down on the ground. Then she wiped sweat from her brow. She was hoping that her sister would be back by now, but it seemed that the inquisitive Nabi had gotten herself distracted once again. Gabi shook her head and planted her hands on her hips. She supposed she was going to have to go look for her. There was work to do, and she wasn't going to be able to get it done until she got that shovel back. Gabi then started to head for the blacksmith's.