[hider=Barman] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/31/5c/df/315cdf01172edd6ae393a4fffb76aae1.jpg[/img] [b]Name: [/b] Luis "Barman" Barreto [b]Country of origin:[/b] Venezuela [b]Class:[/b] Bombardier [b] Appearance:[/b] Luis is a casual man. He likes to wear jeans and t-shirts whenever possible and dislikes formal clothing. He keeps his hair short and shaves once every week in order to keep a professional appearance. He's not a particularly muscular man when compared to other, more "meaty", people in Griffin, but what he has in the way of muscle is exceptionally strong due to his customised training programme. [b]Bio: [/b] The first world never paid much attention to people like Luis, inhabitants of a reality lower than theirs, who had to struggle and fight every day just to make sure they had breakfast and dinner. Indeed, Luis never paid them much attention either and his entire world consisted of working odd jobs and dealing in shady business in order to stay afloat. Many of his friends had fled the country long ago, as soon as they'd graduated from Highschool, but Luis' position didn't allow that. His family was just too poor to afford the plane ticket out for every member, so instead they sent one first, his sister. After a few months, she sent them money from the first world, which allowed Luis' mother to leave. But that was that. After that, the country's telecommunications fell and nobody was able to reach outside. He and his father were stuck in Hell. Luis never finished University because professors disappeared and fled en masse. He never found a stable job that provided enough money to pay rent, let alone buy food either. Bit by bit, he fell into a dark world that got even darker as a cold civil war erupted between those that wanted to live a better life and those that affiliated with the corrupt government. One day, the communications were repaired. But what they saw wasn't the face of their corrupt government on the few TVs that were left. They saw a person that decreed herself the representative of the "Entidad de Aparecimiento". Over time, they arrived in greater numbers and the land was healed and the cities shined like Luis had never seen. Yet this was not Heaven. At first he had supported the new group and had thanked them for uplifting their lives, but when he realized that the group was helping the government loyalists as well, he turned his back to them. Years passed and due to his rebellious attitude, Luis had fallen back down through the cracks of society. Only this time he wasn't going to just take whatever punishment he was given. He'd dish it out as well. He tracked down an agent of an organization named Griffin through his ever-dwindling network of contacts and saved him from an Emergence Entity hunter, earning himself a place as a member of the Resistance. [b]Personality:[/b] Luis is a man that cares little for social status, treating both billionaires and the homeless the same way, which is cold and ruthless to those that expect everything to be handed to them and warm to those that fight and have a will of their own. Having lived in extreme poverty for most of his life, being a member of Griffin is a direct upgrade to his lifestyle. After all, food and lodging is guaranteed. He hates the government of his home country to the bone so when he figured out the EE wasn't eradicating the gov loyalists and intead were helping them, he snapped and vowed to destroy them. Nobody that gives aid to parasites like those deserves to step a foot on his Earth.[/center][/hider]