[center][img]http://t08.deviantart.net/3ZSpiSFYooVX8sNOL0olOLTqAcs=/fit-in/700x350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre09/5f26/th/pre/f/2015/199/8/6/totalitarian_peacefulism_by_americansfr-d91tury.jpg[/img] [h1][color=RED][i]Samgolan Technocratic Union[/i][/color][/h1] [h2][b]Samgola[/b][/h2] [/center] With the rather lackluster performance in the Dabrado Province - the leadership had decided that a notion had to be taken, to help reduce the situation that seemed to hamstring the STU the most. Namely their seemingly anonymous profile and being almost unheard of in some regions of Samgola. Such actions had cost the Samgolan Technocratic Union many opportunities to manage any kind of victory or increase their stance in the National Assembly. As such, on December 18th - the STU had organized roughly together 1,600 supporters all across the Samgola - in the many large cities in the Provinces. Or namely 200 supporters split between the seven Provinces of Samgola and also in Kamidye. To prevent a repeat of the incident that soured the reputation of the S.D - the Samgolan Technocratic Union, provided the Bassong Administration with a full description of their activities. Namely from December 18 to 20 - the STU was organizing numerous free seminars all across Samgola - open to all members of the public without charge or any fee. With namely a budget of 200,000$ - which was utilized to rent-out meeting halls, sporting centers and other large or open spaces - the Samgolan Technocratic Union hoped in helping to make their ideas and ways more understandable to the average person. [hr] [center][img]https://thisisafrica.me/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2016/09/Screen-Shot-2016-09-27-at-18.42.37.png[/img][/center] In Kamidye - Nhara Nereal would be speaking, the same man whom tried and failed to achieve much success in the Dabrado Province - but he hadn't let that stop him. The former lawyer, kept his chin high as he explained the ideals of the STU - as he had once done so, in court to his clients. "The Samgolan Technocratic Union - greatest long-term goal. Is to help evolve the current model of Samgola from a democracy to a technocracy. You might ask yourself? How is that different from a democracy? Not by much. It is simply having people of the educated field hold office in what they had learned to be...here is an example." "I am laywer you see. Had been a lawyer, retired now. Now...you wouldn't want me repairing your car would you? Fixing your teeth. Checking your pulse? No. I wouldn't know how to do it and if I tried I might mess things up..." he explained. "This is what the STU sees as the key problem plaguing Samgola. Ruling a government, should be like organizing a farm. A plant. You have people who have special skills - who fit most there, where they belong. A man like me. You wouldn't want me running our entire Agricultural center now? Would you? I am a lawyer. My job is to defend and translate it for others." "That is our hopeful goal in the future. That when you, the people elect any of us, or those whom you think might be qualified. That those you elect ARE qualified in their job. You have a man, in the Department of Justice - who actually knows anything about the law..." he spoke - as the blunder of the DOJ had been already seen twice in a row in Samgola. "That however - is years, decades, generations ahead. We still have many ways to go before then. Let us return to current times then. At the moment, the STU is no different than the others. Except, we try to hold ourselves to a higher standard than the others. Our platform is simple - any man is the forger of his own destiny. To that end, we seek to cut spending - cut taxes. We are already in debt to other foreign powers. We can't remain so - we must clear out our debt. But this does not mean, we can not accept other ideas or trades with other nations." "It is the goal of the STU do both cut taxes and encourage growth through self-determination. It is time, for every man and woman - to work to his freedom and success. It is the job of the government, to make sure he has all the tools and protection he can have. No more or less. At these rates, I am surprised anybody has managed to keep pay taxes at all. We need to reduce taxes, for everybody. Both the people who are earning, and to those whom own business so they can grown and expand - and provide more jobs for other people." "The plan of the government is understandable but it is short-sighed. As the saying goes - give a man a fish, and he is fed. But only for a day. Teach a man how to fish, and he will be fed for a day, a week, a year - and later on sell his fish to others more," spoke Nhara Nereal - finishing up for the day in the Kamidye Cultural Center. [hider=Actions] Mobilize 1,600 STU activists/supporters/volunteers to all seven Provinces (Makumbe, Ziwa, Soussiam, Onige, Dabrado, Djidan, Nambé) and the federal capitol Kamidye. To help organize educational Seminars about the political ideals of the Samgolan Technocratic Union. Spend 200,000$ on a budget to help fund this gathering and organizing - to pay for the renting out of numerous Cultural, Sport, Educational and Mall Centers for the event. [/hider]