[hider='Chaos' Clayton][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/JU1I7yw.png[/img][hr][hr][h3][b][i]"Let's tear this up!"[/i][/b][/h3] [img]http://img01.deviantart.net/0d2d/i/2016/283/2/a/josh_dun_png_by_crazydonut4557-dakkdfm.png[/img] [sup]189 lbs - 5' 9" | 5 Years of Experience[/sup][/center] [hr][hr] [b]|[u]Birth name [/u]|[/b] » Duncan Middleton [b]|[u]Hails From [/u]|[/b] » London, United Kingdom » June 15th, 1990 (27) [b]|[u]Fighting Style [/u]|[/b] » Chaos Clayton is a tornado of havoc in the ring. A risk taking high flyer, Clayton wants to physically decimate his opponents and look good doing it. When striking, Clayton loves elbow smashes, clotheslines, punches and spinning kicks. However, momentum and adrenaline is when he really shines. The Arbiter of Anarchy loves to stay agile, dodging and waiting for opportunities before releasing his relentless assault. Clayton isn't so strong when it comes to grappling and prefers moves such as a [url=https://static1.squarespace.com/static/522a2049e4b0a0ce717e990c/588163706a4963c7b372deaa/5881637003596ec7766e8e64/1484874628141/Chris+Benoit+dragon+screw+to+Orlando+Jordan.gif]Dragon Screw[/url] or a [url=http://www.worldwrestlinginsanity.com/am2/uploads/1/steiners_samoans.gif]Frankensteiner[/url]. Something to escape the grapple. However, Clayton is relentless, and will stop at nothing to beat his opponents, even if it means bending the rules sometimes too. [b]|[u]Signature Moves [/u]|[/b] » [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsfIZdG31J8]Triangle Dropkick[/url] » [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxvCqZ-BBeo]Chaos Splash (Springboard Tope Splash)[/url] » [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I52YNu-pT0g]Double Knee Smash[/url] » [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzaTpyvk4k0]Springboard Crossbody[/url] [b]|[u]Finisher [/u]|[/b] » [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqRrsuu23jw]Swanton Bomb[/url] » [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7L55KTO7Bww]Suicide Dive[/url] [b]|[u]Theme [/u]|[/b] » [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ycb58cqCsc]Flatlined[/url] [b]|[u]Gimmick [/u]|[/b] » Every good roster needs a rebellious agent of chaos, and Chaos Clayton is all about causing mayhem and havoc in the AWE. Clayton has a "doesn't give a damn!" attitude and starts fights for the hell of it. His character revels in the chaos he creates and also acts... pretty insane sometimes. However, he is not necessarily a bad guy. 'Chaos' Clayton will [i]mostly[/i] act morally unless the situation calls for something more extreme or if the way of resolving a feud or drama is 'boring'. He'll run in on anyone, no matter who is standing in the ring! His appeal to the crowd isn't necessarily that he is a good guy, but that he's unpredictable, and no one will know what Clayton is planning in his unhinged brain. One thing is for sure: When Clayton shows up, Chaos always ensues. Clayton's outfit starts with brown heavy duty boots, followed by crimson red cargo pants with a silver anarchy symbol printed on the left thigh. Above the waist, Clayton sports a slightly over-sized black vest with his slogan "Let's tear this up!" printed on the back in a font more suited to a death metal band that is also in crimson red. Upon his arms, Clayton wears compression arm sleeves. His right arm is the same colour as his prints and pants, and his left arm sleeve is a graffiti style Union Jack, representing the punk scene in his home country. Sometimes these will vary in colours or design prints, but one thing that will always stay on outside of the locker room is his signature black half mask snood that covers his nose, lower face and neck with the mouth of a skull printed on. His hair is always dyed in a colour, usually matching the brighter colour of his outfit. [b]|[u]Face or Heel [/u]|[/b] » Face [b]|[u]Backstage Rep [/u]|[/b] » Duncan is actually quite a friendly, amiable person outside of the stage. He loves talking about the trade with the fellow talent and the crew, and deeply appreciates what the crew does to make the show run smooth for the performers. Duncan always encourages the rest of the locker room. He loves being the shit-stirrer of the roster, and revels in leaning back and watching the chaos he causes unfold. He loves being crazy and finds switching into Chaos Clayton kind of cathartic sometimes, giving him the opportunity to let loose. However, Duncan adores the fans, and although sometimes they're not always on his side, Duncan prefers being the rebel than a pure face character. Duncan is known for being the first to volunteer for the next biggest and wildest show, forever searching for the next spectacle to amaze the fans. Ladder dive, table breaks, nothing's off limits for Duncan especially when he see's a new opportunity to test the limit of his mind and body at the same time. [b]|[u]Other [/u]|[/b] » FC- Josh Dun[/hider] [hider=Ajax "Ax" Flanagan][center][h2][color=79443b]Ajax "Ax" Flanagan [/color][/h2][hr][hr][h3][b][i]"Move aside, Barbie. A new Monarchy is taking over."[/i][/b][/h3] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/6d/9e/eb/6d9eebeb2cca4b4d90dae67fee78a5c7.jpg[/img] [sup]5' 11" - 230lbs | Three years[/sup][/center] [hr][hr] [b]|[u]Birth Name [/u]|[/b] » Michael Flanagan [b]|[u]Hails From [/u]|[/b] » Pittsburgh, Pensylvania » June 19th, 1990 (27) [b]|[u]Fighting Style [/u]|[/b] » Ax fights dirty. Using moves more suitable in a bar brawl than in a wrestling ring, Ax uses a whole armament of trickery and pushing the rules to the absolute limits to get his own way. A cunning use of brutal strikes to wear down his opponents before deploying his dishonest practices. A common sight is for Ari to start distracting the opponent or referee to create an opportunity to gain the upper hand. Begging for mercy or pretending you're critically hurt then using a low blow? Nothing strange to the Biker. [b]|[u]Signature Moves [/u]|[/b] » [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyqK4LyU3f0]Running Bulldog[/url] » [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xd0sb_LqXrQ]Double Knee Armbreaker[/url] » [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhSqV4Q2wdM]Basement Dropkick[/url] » [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3FaCsjYICY]Thesz Press[/url] [b]|[u]Finisher [/u]|[/b] » [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTOpDh5LkaE]Roadkill (Superman Punch)[/url]- Variant where Ajax may or may not 'enhance' it with a knuckle duster. » [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWd_y3bF4hE]Anaconda Vise[/url] [b]|[u]Theme [/u]|[/b] » [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6ei_qUJc9o]Superhuman[/url] [b]|[u]Gimmick [/u]|[/b] » Ajax "Ax" Flanagan portrays the character of a badass Biker Gang member who's American-Irish too. A brilliant heel who fans love to hate, especially when he's feuding with the top couple, Barbie and Drayden. He can fly into a fit of unstoppable rage when someone has insulted his beloved Ari Slayer, onstage girlfriend and real life Wife. He's brutally cruel in the ring, and always tries to humiliates his opponents. It's especially fun to him to get heat when either he or Ari does a heel distraction or technique to gain the upper hand, which Ajax is not afraid of utilizing as much as possible. His staple leather jacket always accompanies him in promos and entrances, and is usually wearing Balmain Jeans and black Motorcycle Boots. His most eye catching part however, is the multitude of tattoos all over his body, turning his skin into a moving canvas. On PPV's he'll even ride out onto stage on his prized motorbike, a Harley Davidson Forty-Eight. [b]|[u]Face or Heel [/u]|[/b] » Heel [b]|[u]Backstage Rep [/u]|[/b] » Michael isn't as much of an asshole out of the ring. In fact, he's actually quite nice once you get to know him, so it's weird that he can play a heel so well. The only things that stay the same between backstage and onstage is his love for his wife, Ari, and his love for motorcycles. He's quite funny and doesn't mind talking about pretty much anything in and out of the ring. He hasn't got time for backstage politics but if he's dragged into it then don't complain when he fires back. He can have a temper, but it's mostly for boneheaded people who can't get their job done right. As for whether the onstage hatred for the Drayden and Barbie is real or not, it's debatable. Most of the time he's chill with them, but no one knows for sure if there's a hint of truth when he cuts a promo against them. [b]|[u]Other [/u]|[/b] » Josh Mario John[/hider]