[@Pandalope] "I don't know. The idea is to get in and out of the Rockbiter village as fast as possible" Taurl explained. "If we catch them off-guard, there will be little fighting. If they respond quickly, we could be in for a very bloody fight. A male doesn't gain much reputation by doing safe things, you know. It's why so few of us stay home and farm. I suppose we could get lucky and hit their stores of supplies without much resistance, but they are likely to be as well-protected as ours are. I do know that the Rockbiter tribe doesn't have as many warriors as they used to. They've had some losses at the hands of human bandits recently. Not that it takes goblins long to replace our casualties. We're kinda relying on you to take care of that part, Nabi. It's why taking you along is a risk, but it is one I'm willing to take, since you want it."