Alright everyone, now's the time for our first controlled combat encounter. Instead of going back and forth post by post, there's going to be a combat encounter text channel in the discord where whoever's fighting can talk out what they do. Hopefully it'll cut down waiting time, but it may or may not depend on people being awake. In that case I'll hand over control of the encounter to someone else. With that out of the way, here's the moves for the tiger. Swipe - The tiger slashes with its claws. Enough to put deep scratches in the walls, best not get hit unless you have some defence on you. Bite - Stronger than a swipe, and it'll hold onto you if it gets you. Needs to be close enough to use it though, obviously. Lunge - Jumps at you to attack with a swipe or a bite. You can see its eyes homing in on a target, and it preparing before lunging so it's possible to dodge but difficult. Shock - It can emit a short-ranged electric shock. The shock isn't too strong, but it'll knock melee opponents back. The lightning counts as magic, but the source of the lightning is deep inside the tiger so magic dispelling won't get rid of all of it at once. Generally speaking, the tiger acts like a normal tiger and will attack whoever's closest. If it manages to wound someone seriously though, you'll have to distract it to get it off of them.