Gohan's face had soften at Kinoko's words, exactly what he needed to hear at the time. Although that didn't stop his drive from wanting to get better. Sure, he gave up fighting to focus on his family, he was never really much a fighter like his father and younger brother was but he realized in order to have that life he needed to help keep the Earth safe from harm. He nodded with a smile. "Thanks, Kinoko-san. You're absolutely right." he said pushing those doubts to the side now. Gohan never realized just how much of an impact that Kinoko had made on him in the amount of time he had known her. Well, coming from a human standpoint, Vegeta was exactly what Saiyans were like. Not that the way he acted was bad or anything, he thought. Seeing her though was completely different, maybe not all Saiyans were so hard to have a heart to heart with. Just then, Bulma came out side with a smile on her face and everyone turned to face her. He clapped her hands once to grab everyone's attention. "Everyone! Thank you for coming out here on such short notice." she said as she stood mostly in the middle of them with her hands on her hips. "Well, to be honest, you yelled for me to come. I was on official business, you know!" Jaco said rather defiantly. Bulma just rolled her eyes and wagged her finger in front of his face. "You protect this sector of the universe, right? Then this affects you just as much as us. Just be thankful you aren't out there fighting alone, hm?" she said with a bit of a smirk on her face. Jaco just awkwardly laughed and scratched his cheek, looking away a bit. Tien, however, stepped in. "So Bulma, what is this all about? Sounded pretty serious when you contacted me earlier. Is everything okay?" he softly asked. That's when everyone else had leaned in to find out just what was it that they came here for. Bulma rustled in her pocket a second then took out a Dragonball. Everyone looked at it a second but Piccolo instantly had noticed. "That Dragonball, it's not stone. It hasn't been too long since Frieza had been revived. It hasn't been a year yet, I mean." he said walking over. Everyone else's eyebrow raised as they thought about it. "Yeah, you're right. It should be stone yet here it is, not stone. What's that supposed mean? Do you think something happened at the lookout?" Krillin asked as he leaned in for a closer look. Piccolo frowned a bit before turning around and walking away. "Wait here, I'm going to the lookout to talk to Dende." he didn't really wait for anyone to answer, he just flew off at top speed. Gohan softly took the Dragonball from Bulma's hand then looked at it himself. It seemed normal to him but there was this unshakeable feeling that something was off about it. He frowned a bit and gave it back to her just then Yamcha said something. "Well that's good right? Just means we just find them and get them before anyone else does. If they're wish ready, I don't think that's all that special." he said crossing his arms. Bulma pursed her lips a bit and shook her head. "That's exactly the problem. You already know how these Dragonballs work. The fact that they're not stone would mean that something should be wrong. I don't like it. When you look at it, just looks normal but the feeling it's giving off..." she said just as Tien cuts in. "Makes it seem like something or someone tampered with them. Do you think it has something to do with wishes that Frieza's henchmen had made?" he asked but no one there knew. Bulma crossed her arms and thought about it a moment. "We don't know unless we collect them all again and see what Piccolo says when he comes back. I wouldn't be making such a big deal about this but the last time this happened, it wasn't so pretty." she muttered. However she looked back up again and took out a Dragon radar. "So that means you guys are on Dragonball hunting duty! Go find them and bring them back here so we can figure out what the problem is. I don't have a good feeling about this and it may be nothing at all but I rather not leave this up to chance." she says handing it to Krillin.