[center][h2]Christine[/h2][/center] Christine smiled and clapped her hands near her chest with joy when she heard that they were going to take on the people from St. Laurel. [i]Finally! Some action![/i] she thought to herself. She just hoped she wouldn't have to fight Katherine. That would just be boring since they had tested each other's powers many times before. "Alright, leader! Teleport us there! I'm ready!" she said to Clara, enthusiasm fully coloring her voice. Once they teleported, Christine, unlike Rurik, didn't notice Gilliam's funny nose. She was looking at her new surroundings instead, which was why she was confused when Rurik suddenly pulled her and brought her to another room. When Rurik laughed, she just blinked in confusion, before turning into a smile, thinking how cute Rurik was being, especially after he asked her to forget all about it right afterwards. [i]Oh Rurik...[/i] When Rurik found the apparation, she came to the old closet and opened it again. This time, she immediately froze the appearing apparition with her power, not even the least disturbed by its appearance. "That's one!" she said with a giggle to Rurik. [@KillamriX88]