The girl sat down beside me, curious as to what else I could tell her. "How'd that happen?" She nodded to my leg. "Why are you in the chair?" "I was shot escaping from a base that had been flooded with Jaxlor spies." I really wished the girl would leave. I wanted to eat my food in peace. "Jaxlor spies?" Another voice chimed in. "Whoa. What was that like? Did you shoot any of them? Where are you friends?" They asked. "Are you here alone, now?" "I'm not alone." I shot them a look. "I don't really want to talk about it. If you all don't mind, I'd like to eat." I was annoyed now. "But what about-" The girl who'd sat down next to me started to speak again. "I said I don't want to talk about it. I almost died. My friends could've died and you all sat here safely with no worries or cares that my base needed your help. No one came to help us. But don't worry about us, we're [i]fiiiine[/i]." I digressed, rolling my eyes. The surronding soldiers finally got the hint, slowly walking away to do who knows what. I wished the siblings and Sam would make their way back so I had someone to talk to. I was interested to hear what they had to tell me about the meeting. I hoped everything was going fine between them.