I sat in silence, eating my food in peace. I could still feel the gaze of those who wondered who I was and of those who wanted to know more about what was going on outside. From the curiosity of their voices and the questioned they'd asked, you'd think they'd never been outside of this base. Like they had been stuck underground for the duration of their time in this never ending war. It took me a while, but I'd finished majority of my food. I picked at the remained of my food with my fork, poking around and trying to kill some time. I didn't feel like wheeling myself back to my room. It was too tiresome of a task that I did not have the energy for. I wasn't used to having to maneuver a wheel chair. After a while, I grabbed my tray and placed it in my lap. I wheeled myself to the trashcan where I scraped my plate and left the tray on a little space above the can. I took a deep breath and began making my way back down the hall towards my room. I had no idea where else I could go, so that's where I went. I hoped I'd run into a friendly face along the way.