Seeing as Taurl left for something important and Bok seeming to have lost interest in killing the wolf, Tovo and his hunting companion decide that it would be for the best that they head to the temple and meet with the shaman so they could make their offering. The two took their time walking through the village as the other villagers they passed by were impressed and amazed by the wolf they carried. Tovo specifically received attention from the children he told stories to earlier that day. Asking questions about how he captured the wolf or if they could touch the wolf. The questions they asked sparked even more questions. Tovo's voice could barely be heard from the commotion but he eventually caused them to settle down. He then spoke with an overly dramatic voice. "My dear younglings, I'd love to tell you the dashing story on how my companion and I outwitted and captured this beast and let you feel it...but alas we need to make haste to the temple and give the wolf to the shaman. A haul as great as this needs us to give homage to the gods." His announcement was met with a chorus of disappointment from the children. Frowns on their faces. This injustice would not stand while he was still drawing breath. "Fret not. Fret not. For I promise you not one, but TWO heart racing tales the following day!" Tovo only grinned as the once disappointed group of roared in excitement before they dispersed. Tovo's companion only smirked at him. "You really do care for the younglings don't you, Tovo?" "What can I say? The children like me and my stories." "More like your made up fables." "Hush you." The rest of their walk was uneventful and it did not take long for them to reach the temple and hut of their resident shaman. Numerous wooden and stone idols depicting the many gods of the tribe. At the center was the bonfire, the very symbol of the tribe's power, and behind it was their shaman. She stood there, head gently resting on her signature staff, eyes seemingly closed in meditation. But upon closer inspection it was revealed that she had dozed off. Tovo's companion was first to act and spoke barely above a whisper, hoping not to disturb her. "Shaman...shaman. Wake up." "You ninny. You can't wake up the shaman like that. Watch and learn." Tovo takes position near their shaman and cleared his throat. "Elder Edr-" Even before he could finish. The shaman's signature staf meets his forehead, successfully bonking him. Tovo holds his forehead in mild pain. "Who are you calling old, youngling?" Asked Edra Forrestshield, shaman of the green bone tribe of 11 years, with a gentle yet aggresive tone. "You! You're twenty tw-" Another bonk silences Tovo and he soon understands to keep his mouth shut. "Now...what do you need?" She asks while moving closer to the pair. Tovo is reluctant to speak but his companion speaks for both of them. "Shaman. We managed to capture a wolf and wanted to offer its skull to the gods as thanks for this bountiful haul." Edra nods sagely as she examines the wolf's head. "Hmmm...this would please the gods greatly but first you need to kill and skin the wolf before I can start the ritual. Return once you have done the deed." Tovo and his companion nod in understanding and leave the temple before head to a discrete location to properly kill and butcher the wolf. They skin the wolf's pelt and strip the meat and edible organs off and place them in their respective stores in the village to be dried or traded. They both return to the temple, freshly skinned wolf skull in Tovo's hands. Edra turns to them and takes the skull from his hands and heads to her original position behind the bonfire. Tovo and his companion takes a knee in respect of the ritual. Edra raises the skull above the bonfire before she closes her eyes in focus. "Utzilah miopiar lethodar akula vigis." She tosses the skull into the fire and an unnatural wind fills the hut for a half minute as soon as the skull touched the flames. "The gods have accepted your offering. I will mount this skull outside when the fire has blackened the skull. Go along now, I am busy have other matters to attend to." Tovo and his companion bow to the shaman before leaving the temple.