Rebeca was perfectly content shopping for parts and what not with Estella. Yeah, she might not know all that much about some of the things they picked up, but that didn't mean she didn't understand haggling and getting the best price. She enjoyed being on the ship, but it was also really nice to get out like this and stretch her legs as well. She loved seeing new places, or reseeing places she’d already been as well. Once they were done with part shopping she pulled Estella along with her to go food shopping as well. Pick up fresh eggs, maybe some milk, produce and all. “Is there anything you like to eat?” she asked as they were looking over some carrots and potatoes at a stand from a local farmer. “Any comforts of home that you miss that I might be able to whip up for you?” [Center] 《》《》[/center] She was surprisingly quiet the whole ride there. Meeting new people, or re meeting people as the case was here, had never been a problem for her before. She never got nervous about that sort of thing. And it wasn't so much that she was nervous about the social aspect if it. She was nervous that this would be a fool's quest. And one that might just get her, Roger, and Mister Smith into a deal of trouble. Or even killed. But Roger’s presence, the squeeze of her hand in his, that was enough to calm her down some, even if it didn't return her voice to her fully. “Yes, soon,” she murmured in agreement. When they made it to the house, she took a deep breath, taking the offered hand down and stood clutching the handle of her briefcase in her hands so tightly they made her already white lace gloves look even whiter. “Ready,” she said with more confidence than she had, stepping forward and pulling the bell rope. She just hopped that they would be seen to quickly else she might change her mind.