For Kinoko to possess such traits were considered strange to many. Most Saiyans thought of her as being of non-fighting material, but they thought differently, when they came to discover that her kind and gentle nature was only a facade. On the inside, she does indeed have a fighting spirit, and that she possesses a great form of power that would surpass most of their planet's warriors; she was at least, an inch away from Vegeta's own strength. If not, she would be his equal. They both obviously haven't come close to surpassing Goku, so for Vegeta to continuously call himself by his royal title, Kinoko could only believe that her brother will be training long and hard to do so. And she literally means [i][b]long and hard[/b][/i]. For herself, as far as training goes, she tries, at least until everything is done around the residence of Goku and Chi-Chi. She had managed to learn about the aspects of finance from Bulma and Videl (considering that they were rich), so the idea of getting a job was an option with considering, if she ever wants to support her family. The princess became a full-time grocery-store clerk. Highly unlike her younger brother, Kinoko grew fond of the task, almost immediately. That also meant that she and Goku are on the same page and business in handling fresh food: he harvests and collects, while she stocks and gives them away. If she wasn't on her shift, she can make Goku's task a lot easier. After all, it's a win-win; the faster it gets done, the more time for training for the both of them! With the princess' eyes looking up at her nephew (since she was three inches shorter), Kinoko smiled gently and nodded back, with a hum. "Just know that if you want a training session, I'm open. Know that, Gohan", she added, with a friendly wink. And then, that was when Bulma announced for everyone's attention. Kinoko listened, before giving an amused chuckle at the blue-haired woman's interaction with the Galactic Patrolman. As long as she had known her sister-in-law, Kinoko just knew that Vegeta married a strong one, since she heard that became a major factor in how Saiyans find the right mates. Back on her homeworld didn't the princess to be worthy since she held a nature that was totally different to how a true Saiyan should behave. Only Raditz and Vegeta knew that she didn't get those traits from the king at all, who held pride and ruthlessness. It was then particularly guessed that she got them from Bardock and Vegeta's mother, who possessed fiery yet compassionate spirits. Looking at the Dragonball that Gohan managed to take from Bulma, Kinoko looked back at all of the times they had to hunt these relics down. Especially the time that she had to fight with Vegeta, when he ran off with them. As much as she loved him, as his sister, she had no choice but to face him in combat. The memory was painful, but she had to prevent him from doing anything stupid. Now, the other six were scattered, and they would have to find them once again. As much as the princess would like to go with them, she had to stay, and lend a hand with the others, who may not have the ability to defend themselves. After all, they might need someone powerful enough to protect them. The whole scenario with Frieza has made the circumstances a lot more difficult, and that meant they needed all the help they can get, if it ever happens again.